
GTK3/4 Themes

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Black Knight is the successor to my Black Beauty series. Carries many of the same qualities its ancestor was known for including its rich colorization of text. I hope those looking for black and white text will stop considering I will change as will never happen! Sorry, I only use text coloring so stop trying to make me go back to the dark ages!

Once again size is incredibly small due to this newer format of not using pngs. However, this time script is larger to fix a few follies unforeseen in previous themes! Also carries some new effects on backdrop as this new series of themes seeks to shed more attention to backdrop. Main intention as always is to let the user know where they are at! No one else seems to do this and of course no one else rates lower either!

Before complaining of problems, make sure they are problems and not just your opinion. These themes are extremely difficult to create and make all these actions happen! Just as other themes in this series, this one should also run on smaller devices and should look really nice on all desktops. To avoid hassles, just Gnome Flashback is pictured!

If you think you can do better, by all means feel free to create it! I spend loads of hours making decisions for coloring and is a drag to get lame comments! So, Please keep things professional/adult and if there is a real problem, let me know and I will do my very best to get it fixed quickly! I only seek to create beautiful themes and have those that enjoy my format/style be able to enjoy them on their desktop to the fullest! SPAM DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE, PLEASE!

Ratings & Comments



You call it a theme? No it isn't. It almost made my retinas bleed, only with the screenshots


If ignorance is bliss, you are there my friend! Learn how to read, not looking for opinions only to fix for those that enjoy this style!


First off To The First Comment U know Who u R. I went to view your art work on this great web site we call GNOME-Look, And I found nothing. These themes r hard work and take a lot of time. So I c U have not got the skill to try Theme Making on your own. U just put down the good people on here,that r making great themes. Until u can do better just shut the f--- u-. To the creater of this work of art, A.K.A BBOSAK. great theme as always. keep up the great themeing, i know the long hours it takes and flusteration that it takes to get it the way u want it. fom ur friend. dewman P.S send a e-mail if u want u have it


Thanks very much! I am very appreciative that at least someone enjoys my themes! Of course what is even better, is you are also a great creator of themes, including metacity designs which are absolutely gorgeous and great work! I take your comments very seriously and the others are just ramblings of ignorant and unartistic lost souls!


I have many uploads; under a different name. You only have two. And they both look like shite!


Not everyone is going to like every single theme out there! So just wake up to the fact, okay? How would you like some idiot making fun of your theme after you worked hard on it??? If I do not like a theme, I simply create my own or find another is the adult thing to do. The childish thing to do is what you are doing called "Bickering". Okay mate?


This looks like a jumbled up mess. You should maybe study design. Seriously. Maybe your download count will increase.


I suggest you learn english as am not looking for opinions. I am looking to solve issues only! I keep wondering what it is going to take to get ignorant people as yourself to read the description and act as any normal adult would!

0 Affiliates
version 6.15.2014
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 7

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