Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
IMPORTANT : Solidity engine (http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php/solidity+gtk3+engine?content=142331) is required (0.4.1 version) !
It works better on GTK 3.2
I am starting to create GTK3 themes, there are still problems (http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php?content=142331&forumpage=2), so any suggestion are welcome!
Also available :
MurrinaChromium (http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php/MurrinaChromium?content=147240)
2.2 : Many options tweaked and colors reajusted.
2.0 : Solidity engine updated to 0.4.1 so the theme needed to be compatible with the changes and readjusted with the new options.
1.9 : A little more glossy reflection for most widgets.
1.8 : Some engine options tweaked and colors reajusted.
1.7 : Some engine options tweaked.
1.6 : Some colors reajusted.
1.5 : Arrows a little smaller, a little more padding for switch, some colors reajusted...
1.4 : Many changes and bug fixed.
1.3 : A syntax error bug fixed.
1.2 : A little more glossy reflection for most widgets at nomal mode.
1.1 : Some colors tweaked.
1.0 : Initial Release.
Ratings & Comments
btw, would be great if your themes join the team of gnome-color-chooser gtk3 "compatible" ones, anyhow! ;o) - http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/gnomecc+2+gtk3css+converter?content=148882
What conditions are required to get themes compatibles with "gnomecc 2 gtk3css"?
i were starting with this recently, and sadly, there are still no guidelines about this, but i started it anyway - the most important step i think is understanding config.xml file generated from gnome-color-chooser, and using a similar colour scheme css file (i used a converter for creating a "config.css" which is imported from that theme) - since this config.css can be as customizable as config.xml from gnome-color-chooser (in my theme i started coding a converter for that), this would mean that you can use all colour scheme you want on your theme, just like on gtk3, qt3, qt4, WindowMaker, Fluxbox, etc. - what do you think?
I just spent a little time to read your config.css file and I understand it, I think. I 'm waiting for a Solidity update to work with GTK 3.4 (soon) and I'll try to write a theme that match your config.css file. An idea : it would be nice to write a converter for QT4 color-scheme too. ;-)
i think i have the qt4 code somewhere as well, it's not too different from qt3 (but it has some differences of course) - i also coded for/from fluxbox, irix 4dwm, etc. - some are spreaded around here at opendesktop.org , but i'm not sure exactly where, because i made them long time ago...
Here is your converter from QT3 color schemes to Fluxbox : http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php/Ultra+pack+-+220+color+schemes?content=84947&PHPSESSID=d1b10073e5af687f0064529344595b22
where from you downloaded widget factory? mine one only shows gtk2 themes...
It is "A Widget Factory" (http://dobedo.github.com/awf/) Compile and install : - GTK2 : ./autogen.sh ./configure --prefix=/usr make sudo make install (or su -c 'make install') - GTK3 : ./autogen.sh ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-gtk3 make sudo make install (or su -c 'make install') Running : - GTK2 : awf-gtk2 - GTK3 : awf-gtk3
"Page does not exist"...
Moved to https://github.com/valr/awf
It is "A Widget Factory" (http://dobedo.github.com/awf/) Compile and install : - GTK2 : ./autogen.sh ./configure --prefix=/usr make sudo make install (or su -c 'make install') - GTK3 : ./autogen.sh ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-gtk3 make sudo make install (or su -c 'make install') Running : - GTK2 : awf-gtk2 - GTK3 : awf-gtk3
Moved to https://github.com/valr/awf
thanks! and there targets to a ubuntu/debian ppa, i didn't need to compile it anyway! :) http://ppa.launchpad.net/valere-monseur/valr/ubuntu/pool/main/a/awf/
Thank you! Here is the PPA and the GPG key: https://launchpad.net/~valere-monseur/+archive/valr
Excellent work. Its theme was pretty cool. If you need to, I would like to help in something. Regards.
"Excellent work. Its theme was pretty cool." -> Thank you (and many thanks to Solidity engine's author)! "If you need to, I would like to help in something. Regards." -> Thank you for your proposition! :-)