Description: First off, the name is not to be taken as only for the LXDE desktop! It can handle all the gtk-2.0 desktkops and 3.0! The concept was to take out all the pictures in 2 and 3 except for those in metacity. The rest is all done by script. Is not an easy feat and took a long time to get this far.
Eventually, I am leaning towards all my themes taking on this same style, so I can bring more legibility to them. My use of text coloring at points is a hinderance when it comes to pngs. Once pngs are removed from the equation the looks become quite more refined. I am hoping everyone that enjoys this alternative look will be pleased with this new movement and enjoy!
Size of tar.gz is 44kbs which is about half the size of one picture showing this theme! As I really want to get these themes so everyone enjoys, please do not be afraid to let me know if the theme has a problem somewhere. I will then fix it and it then becomes better for everyone! If you do not like the looks, feel free to download other works and just submit issues to me!
Menus in LXDE, XFCE and Mate now carry the natural gradient look and not some phoney look from a png that seems to just spoil the entire look since seams were left in the menus. Soon all the rest of my themes will be redone to this format and will be able to be easily downloaded in a zip format that will be most likely smaller than one theme! Text is my choice and never forced on anyone and hope it does not spoil your thoughts of my themes! My only wish is to bring a special look to the most beautiful desktops in Linux! Please, no SPAM!
Whether you use gtk-2.0 or gtk-3.0 this theme will work. Believe me, I use it on every gtk desktop I have which is all of them! So, it really is in the right category. Also, due to the construction is also possible to run this theme on smaller devices which it is also intended for! Many theme creators do not consider all desktops, but I want to along with whatever device you may be using! If you have a problem, please let me know! I honestly want to make sure this theme works for all the gtk desktops and any device! Just doing my very best to provide the most options I can.
You have this theme in the wrong catagory, this should be in the GTK2 catagory, not GTK3, this is a GTK2 theme, I do see that showed an example runnint it on MATE, which does run GTK, but it runs GTK2, not GTK3.
Ratings & Comments
Whether you use gtk-2.0 or gtk-3.0 this theme will work. Believe me, I use it on every gtk desktop I have which is all of them! So, it really is in the right category. Also, due to the construction is also possible to run this theme on smaller devices which it is also intended for! Many theme creators do not consider all desktops, but I want to along with whatever device you may be using! If you have a problem, please let me know! I honestly want to make sure this theme works for all the gtk desktops and any device! Just doing my very best to provide the most options I can.
You have this theme in the wrong catagory, this should be in the GTK2 catagory, not GTK3, this is a GTK2 theme, I do see that showed an example runnint it on MATE, which does run GTK, but it runs GTK2, not GTK3.