gnomecc 2 gtk3css converter

GTK3/4 Themes

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This is more a colour scheme converter than a theme properly - the theme part is based on Zukitwo (the default one were cleaned to look more like Motif from 4dwm/irix/sgi ), and it were edited to accept conversions from config.xml from ~/.gnome-color-chooser folder.

For using this theme/converter conviniently, gnome-color-chooser (available defaultly from Debian and Ubuntu repositories) needs to be installed.

in this folder there is some 3 'hidden' ('.*') folders inside (push 'ctrl+h' keys for seeing them on Nautilus):
- .config/gtk-3.0
- .gnome-color-chooser
- .themes

the files from '.themes' are to be copied to '.themes' - it only has a Metacity window decoration theme fully compatible with gnome-color-chooser, MistRB.

the files from '.config/gtk-3.0' are to be copied to '~/.config/gtk-3.0' - all files found there (like 'gtk.css') are to be renamed as backup, for avoiding file replacement.

the files from '.gnome-color-chooser' are to be copied to '~/.gnome-color-chooser' - all files found there (like 'config.xml') are to be renamed as backup - gnome-color-chooser will open defaultly the existing config.xml file when running, and config.css will be assumed (as css include) from this gtk3 theme.

with the terminal located at '~/.gnome-color-chooser', the command 'bash' will convert config.xml to config.css - the file config.xml is updated everytime the Apply button from gnome-color-chooser is clicked, and config.css is the colour scheme loaded from this gtk3 theme.

I never used gnome-tweak-tool successfully, but this colour scheme hack for gtk3 seems to work perfectly fine (since i always loved gnome-color-chooser, and i miss it a lot on gtk3).

This needs huge improvements for a more comfortable use. Be welcome on fixing and improving it. Thanks!

Ratings & Comments



9 Excellent work


I commented too soon, now I see that this was posted in 2012 and hasn't been updated since, and most certainly won't work today because of the changes to GTK3. A real shame


thanks! but i wonder why it won’t work - the result is a simple .css file that i think it is perfectly "includable" from a theme (or patched theme) that would look for it - i kept in mind focusing on the worst scenarios, and providing compatibility as long lasting and widest as possible


Hey, this is awesome, but I'm a noob and I have no idea how to use this. I'd love to use this theme, I think I downloaded your application correctly, but how do I implement it? Thanks.


An idea : it would be nice if you could write a converter for QT4 color-scheme too. ;-) (And for QT3 color-scheme, there is a converter "kdecolor4to3" written in ruby :


i never coded in ruby, i'm more python and lua (and sdlbasic for solving daily personal problems, since i code faster there! :) )


Css isn't so bad, It's a lot easier than the gtkrc ever was, but I always had a soft spot for gnome color chooser.


css itself isn't, in theory, but the Gnome's implementation of it is far less comfortable than it could - the idea i posted here, as theme and script, is for humbly trying to fill this huge gap...


Nice idea this converter!


thanks! :)


I was the first to download this, have not had a chance as yet to test it, BUT anything that will help make GTK3 theming easy(er) is a great step forword ! KUDOS ! IMHO, GTK3 SUCK'S, ya have to be a programer to build a theme ! this I think will hurt more than they think ! (IMHO 8.10 was the best release to date!) but, with people like you, in the community, giving the rest of us a chance to catch up, is a most welcome blessing !! Thank you for your time and sharing !!! , when I get a chance I will post back, after testing ! Hell even if it dosent work, at least someone is trying !!! :) ;) Voted UP ! and FAN, (just cuz You give it your all !) Thanks !


Also, you may want to post a more "detailed" how to ! cuz some of us "aint" so gifted !! "/)


thanks a lot for the feedback, it's always awesome knowing that i'm not alone! :D - i'm also in the oppinion that gtk3 sucks, i made this for saving myself from insanity, since almost all gtk-based applications are becoming gtk3, and i hated that grey default theme, struggled on gnome-tweak-tool, and missed the gnome-color-chooser awesome configurability boost from gtk2 - soon i'll update a readme file for explaining better how to use it, and as well, i hope that people more skilled than me could improve it - overally, you just must create and apply a colourscheme from gnome-color-chooser, and a config.xml will appear - those .sh and .py are to be neighbour to it ( ~/.gnome-color-chooser ), and from the terminal in that directory, just enter 'bash (scriptnameiforgot).sh' - since there are no gui restart (and i don't know how to do it), all the gtk3 applications you run after that will be with this colourscheme, assuming you have everything else at ~/.config/gtk-3.0 - let me know if you could figure out and have it working now! :)


awesome would be if we could run external scripts from gnome-color-chooser - i suggested it to Werner Pantke years ago, but he didn't add it (this could be a simple thing as running all scripts inside ~/.gnome-color-chooser/scripts after config.xml be created - this would be very useful for me, since i also use colourschemes on WindowMaker, Fluxbox, Openbox, etc. - if anyone can help improving/forking gnome-color-chooser for having this feature, please do... )


for testing gnome-color-chooser, you can start trying those from (made from me, you can find the oldest ones there - but you are welcome to create colour schemes better than those ones! :) )


updated, with better instructions about how to install and use it! - please check if it is easier now! thanks! :)


sorry - now it's really updated - gnome-look has some kind of bug when uploading...

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