Ambiance -aero or win3-7 you`ll decide

GTK3/4 Themes

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this is the beginning of either Ambiance-Aero a simple gtk3 theme for 14.10 Or
The beginning of win3-7 pack would mean: more themes, improvement in this theme , better support + install script etc.

For starting the win3-7 pack for ubuntu 14.10 project i would need donations.

But don`t wory a mint qijana based win 7 + 8 clone will be released in few days/week as soon as i get a free vps.

Also i can`t guarantee to give support for it (but fell free to report bugs perhaps they`ll be fixed!! ) and i don`t like to see a fork of this theme hosted somewhere in the internet without my permission.

Feel free to comment and its not like i do forbid anyone to host this theme for personal use on the For other purposes you have to think for other reasons as well you do sure know.

The newer version has some small updates inside the gtk3 version.

Added a new hidden secret feature:
change in gtk-main.css line 47
unity to unity-light

google on how to download files from google drive if you have to.
and visit my blog

regards bluedxca93

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This theme is a must have for people like me because I use it to help many people to switch to Linux without being disturbed by the design of this OS. Not that it is worse but just different. But since last mint update, selected icons are loosing colours and turn into black. Could you just update your theme please ? I've been working in teaching area in France and now I'm out of work. Perhaps this theme will help me to keep my work because if I can help my team to recycle old computers that will be more powerful with Linux, I could be employed again on September. I was the official French translator of the Win2-7 Pack and contributed with many pics and other things for the Pack. Now it's me that need help. I hope I will get yours. Thanks for all. David.


Sent you a pm, can`t actually reproduce bug, be sure to have only nemo and not nautilus installed. Hope we find a solution soon and you send me an answer. Only 14.04/14.10 and mint 17 derivates supported for this versions here for other forks/versions need a copy of the theme and excact bug report with wrong looking element name/path from gtk-parasite. regrads bluedxca93


Hello... many thanks for your answer. Nautilus was installed because needed by Fyriousmount. I've both uninstalled and problem is the same. In Linux Mint 17.1 fresh updated to 17.2 when Icons are selected with mouse on desktop, they turn in black. There was no problem with Mint 17.1 but now, this problem is only solved then I use mint control theme. All is working perfectly but when I use ambiance and all other aero theme for "control" this bug is present. I first thought the themes needed to be updated to the new Mint version but perhaps it is just a new Mint bug... I'm trying to send you a screen copy of the problem... What a pity is having to solve a colour bug just in hope to keep my work ! Sorry to borrow you with that.


bugfix send with mail schould work now, are all other selected effects ok? Hope i can update theme here soon.


Hi everyone. I want to thanks bluedxca93 for his help. This guy worked hard to solve the bug with the new Nemo version and now this fantastic theme works on last Mint 17.2 and thanks to his work, despite it appears unbelievable, I'll keep my job ! Yes, this theme save my job because in the place I'm working, thanks to this theme and other stuff, I will boost many old computers with Linux and people will not notice the difference with the Windows OS they're used to. Thanks to this possibility, I've been confirmed to be employed again on October to do that work : recycle some computers with Linux tuned to Windows 7. I know some people doesn't agree with that but I prefer this way instead of watching people staying on Windows or changing the hardware for best performance. Thanks to Linux, my employer will save money and with this money, I'll have a work. Lesson for everyone : even the tiniest thing that people are doing here can have impressive impact. Hope this help some of you to continue your work even if you think it's not worth it. Many thanks my friend.


I actually use this theme, is nice. But want report a issue: Under some conditions, emerge a pink colour (#ffc0cb). For example in a list, first click select show colour orange (#f07847, see image, click again show this pink colour (see image, writing included. Other example, creating a folder (empty), if go in, contents fill pink (see image Sometimes also occur when clicking panel elements. The effect is not sightly. Apologize for mistakes writing this text. Best regards.


Hi, thx for reporting bugs. tell me your system version and what programs you are using. I can fix this issue as soon as i do see/reproduce that bug on my own pc too .had similar bugs before on other themes . nobodys perfect. The theme is based on ambiance and what you see is ambiance theme parts .( however its not wanted , i agree). with kind regards bluedxca93


Yeah, sorry. I use Trisquel 6 x64 (Precise based), with Gnome-classic desktop. The issue not depend by programs, it occur in diferents PCs but with same OS. I believe if you install a Trisquel 6 system and choose this theme, you will see the issue. Thanks in advance.


Search for precise version. ( n00bslab) sry for the long delay for this answer just forgot it sry sry.. Seems like you use an earlier version of gtk3, than the theme needs, try win2-7remix from gnome-look.


This is the first Windows-like theme that works natively with Ubuntu 14.10 and Unity Tweak Tool! I have few suggestions for variations though: * Windows 8 version * Light menu bar version * Aero theme (transparency isn't necessary)


Ithemaster is right ! Donation for your work at this stage is not quite right . There are far more original and complete works here and they never asked for donation .


Hi, search the far better gtk3 themes that look like win7 and tell me them. See if he is right and check all the updates in december please. In the meantime you can make a list what is ugly in the theme and send me that detailed in a pm. You`ll be surprised what can still be done even if its still a high quality theme at the moment. Perhaps i can oneday have you to say that it is indeed worth a donation. regards bluedxca93


I did not say specifically WIN7 or it is ugly . aLSO Vista panels have been around forever and so was Win 7 basic type window decoration .So yes , you made it for GTK3 and packed it nicely . Original , not so much. Looks fine otherwise . P.S. Lighten up , this is not some harsh critisim of your work . It is nice you are creating and contributing to the community, you have skill i do not . I am only user of content, you are creator .


you come up with a half modified theme and ask people for donations??? This is what i did FOR FREE!!!: 1) 2) Your theme is nothing compared to the win2-7 project. If you want people's attention and money, first do hell of a job in the beginning and don't say you might not even support it for bugs


please do rethink your pretty aggressive answer. The theme itself is more than half finished, you sure do know. Stop telling lies. The theme is workIng stable and looks close too the gtk2 one. Dont tell lies . This theme is more than half finished and availablefor free. All kde solutions i do know had some errors . Be more friendly next time and constructive. This is gtk3 and not kde. have a good day Bluedxca93


theme works under unity cinnamon(w7-n) and gnome-flashback im sure you didn't even test the theme. Have provided an icon theme too. There is no reason for your overreaction. I do read coments and do fix bugs, but not always fast for free. Whats wrong with that.


I am not saying it is wrong to ask for donations, as long as you are commited into delivering a quality product. But what you did until now has been done before. Do some unique fetures and stop saying you might not even support it and then ask for donations. That is it. No malicious intent.


the menu is a high quality gtk3 theme b.t.w.. i did keep it close to ambiance with as much original gtk2 look as possible. There is not much more to implement. The code base is there since 2011. You have a different opinion about this, but please umderstand that i did work weeks to do it to its current state and that there isn' t much more possible. Im not uploading something unfished and say its finished or please donate to let me continue the work, no i do say : for donations ill continue faster. On all my other works i dont mind if people fork them without notifying me etc. Its nothing wrong on asking for donations. Youre artwork is great and may even look better as some elements i agree. but mine is at least as difficult to make as yours even on its current state (90% done and stable). My artwork is currently in stable testing phase and freeware.

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