
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
14.11.11 Updated to gtk+ 3.2
17.11.11 fixed "pink focus" bug and "select multiple items" bug, thanks to ~linux-void
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Ratings & Comments
clock doesn't entirely fit to panel in gnome 2.x (mint 12)
Hi there, really good theme! I am using it at XFCE4. But ive tried it together with Nautilus and they are some "bugs": - blue gradient (looks ugly) should be one color - if you change the view (escpially LIST view than the content color changes to something like white instead of dark with use of SYMBOL view). Try using theme "Sammy" (Sammy Dark) or "Humanoid" to have an idea how it should look like. Please fix it! Thank you
I really enjoy the darker colors, but for me the best part of this is the metacity theme. While I do enjoy and appreciate the great work on the gtk theme, don't like the lighter grays/whites in certain parts like nautilus on the right, as it almost seems like theres a problem like when browsing as root, only it happens not being root if you get me. Regardless I give props, I love it, and I look forward to seeing your work in the future!
Absolutely LOVE this theme. The only problem I have had with it so far is the alternating grey/white backgrounds for the message headers window in Thunderbird. Anybody else find this highly annoying and ugly? Anybody know what can be done about it?
yes, I don't remember exactly how to do but this is due to some extension or something like that. Go to Tools > Add-ons, and there is something you need to delete/unistall in one of the sections (extensions, appearance or plugins). Sorry for the lack of details, I made this a long time ago... I think it's more probable that it was in appearance or in plugins. Hope it can help :-)
The theme works after the update ! ?
Yes, yes it does. :) (maybe you know it because you downloaded it, but I am writing it for those who still have to) ps. there's still a little bug (pink buttons sometimes) which I am working on ;)
I fixed that pink bug you only have to change 1 line in your gtk-widgets.css line 58 from: -adwaita-focus-fill-color: none; to: -adwaita-focus-fill-color: alpha(@theme_base_color, 0.0); and no more pink color
Since making this change I have seen no pink. New question - Open Nautilus and drag to select several items at once. It seems as if that shading is the same color as the background, which thereby looks like you're causing the selected items to disappear. Any quick remedy for that? I tried to find that entry but I'm not too good with CSS just yet.
add this to * Base States * block: .view.rubberband, .rubberband { background-color: alpha (@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.35); border-color: @theme_selected_bg_color; border-style: solid; border-width: 1; border-radius: 2; }
this worked on ALMOST everything, but not on nautilus-preferences tabs. I dunno why, though. I will try and fix the progressbar and "select itemes" bugs before releasing again. Thanks for your contribution, it is much appreciated
hmm.. I don't have pink anywhere.. even when I open nautilus prefs and press arrow keys, to switch (select) tabs, or elements in prefs. have you closed all the nautilus windows and reloaded the theme? (I edit the css, then open gnome-tweak-tool, switch gtk theme forth and back again, and relaunch gnome-tweak-tool (to see if bug is fixed in the dropdown on theme select), then I close all nautilus windows and launch nautilus again and check there) I don't have any issues in prefs