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Ratings & Comments
Theme is beautiful, but unusable without mouse, because no visible focus highlight on active widgets.
sorry for that but i only got an old computer mouse equiped ... and no tablet to even try.
I mean keyboard navigation. Widget selection with Tab/Shift+Tab keys, etc. Look on "Adwaita" theme: colored rectangles around active entries, dotted rectangles around active checkboxes and radiobuttons...
this is a feature for checkbox/radiobutton and most of widget with dotted action, but entries must display colored border (black #363636), i never thought it was needed sorry for you, if i understand how gtk+3.20 is working i will add those feature. thank you pointing this, hav a nice day :)
great job ...
thank you very much
i tryed do the same - borders around every window frame but stuck on gtk2 - 3.18 too
hello, im not sure to understand if you got worrie about the theme ? if yes maybe try to choose it via gnome-tweak-tool ? see you soon thank you commenting.
if you are talking about your theme i guess for gtk+2 apps metacity is needed no ? just seeing there is no metacity files in the .7z you supplied maybe you can check around this ?
can you tell me why the left middle right button border looks deranged? A very small nearly invisible bug but i do experience it to very often on nearly all themes includig my own ones i see and don`t know why. EXCEPT THIS small INVISIBLE iSSUE. nICE THEME: sMALL eLEGANT sIMPLE fAST
Thank you very much. i appreciate bug report but i m not sure to understand exactly where is this bug could you screenshot it ? please what i understand is the CSD button alignement is not correct ? if yes, im lost cause i do not understand well how csd is working ... :o)
merci pour votre reponse. j`ai essaye de surligner la zone affecte par ce bug dans votre l`image : excusez mon francais pas si bien en fait, mais mon anglais est encore plus pire/mauvais.
ha yes !!! never find a way to fix it without breaking another widget/place ... :o) i sware to try something as soon as possible.
i tried i did not find any solution... it's about inline linked combobox buttons, only pixmap seems to works well (like ambiance ...) sorry for the moment i will not try again since i see this bug only in widget factory. best regards thank you again for reports and comments i am quite sure there is a bug or bad settings with gtk-widget-factory and this left button i checked many applications and with gtk+demo i can't see any bugs. Could you ? Best regards .
hi, had a nasty bug like this for ubuntu 15.10 mate on my own theme(s). solution: it does work only correct with border-image-source definition. that breaks backward compatibility and requires asset image ( like a 1px one color line rectangle in a png). working but neither fast or intuitive. normal border-image lines on linked or flat buttons as we expect to. perhaps issue cause of adwaita perhaps. kind regards
that is true, only fixed with pixmaps, so it will stay like that since i only see the bug with 'gtk3-widget-factory'. hav a nice day thank you.
Voted up!!! Greetings and thanks! Agust
Thank you very much !
Very good, Thanks :)
Thank you very much, if you find bug please let me know . Best Regards
here my six mounths update it's only tested with gnome-classic aka gnome-panel gtk+3.6. just fixed gtk+3.8 menus, i m not able to customize the panel of new classic session. for better use put the theme into your ~/.local/share/themes you should be able to choose metacity theme in gnome-tweak-tool or unity-tweak-tool etc... see you soon in six mounths hopefuly with Gnome-Shell theme if i can learn .
To add a hover effect to Nautilus sidebar, you can insert these lines into Nautilus section in "gtk-apps.css" file: NautilusWindow .sidebar row:hover { background-color: shade (@sidebar_selected_bg_color, 1.1); color: shade (@sidebar_fg_color, 1.1); text-shadow: 1px 1px shade (@theme_bg_color, 1.1); }
added for nautilus and rhythmbox Thank you for the suggestion .
Thanks for this. A couple of suggestions: 1) A unity sub-folder including same buttons for maximized windows 2) Darker background for inactive pane in dual mode