Elegant Brit gtk3

GTK3/4 Themes

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This is the Elegant Brit gtk theme (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Elegant+Brit?content=74553) ported to gtk3. I always liked the theme so finally i ported it.
GNOME-shell theme included now. Please report bugs.

Design credit goes to
*fmrbpensador (http://gnome-look.org/usermanager/search.php?username=fmrbpensador)
* Dzakusek(http://gnome-look.org/usermanager/search.php?username=Dzakusek) for Elegant One
*lyrae (http://gnome-look.org/usermanager/search.php?username=lyrae) for Black-white

Find a matching chromium theme here http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Elegant+Brit+for+Chrome+or+Chromium?content=143403

Wallpapers http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/An+Elegant+Brit+Wallpaper?content=143589 and http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Free+as+in+Beauty?content=76847

Userstyle for Firefox and derivatives by BigRZA http://fav.me/d4avzxf

Dockbarx theme by BigRZA http://fav.me/d4aaiou

This theme is licensed under the gplv3(http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.html), same as the original theme..

Please fav it if u like it, and don't forget to leave a comment. Please file bugs if you find them..

Happy Hacking..
Last changelog:

*better scrollbars
*new corner ripple image( thank you aftermarketgirl )
*new toggle-switches
*minor tweaks

*Minor bugfixes

*Updated to work with gnome 3.2

*added description for userstyle and dockbarx theme.

*Added gnome-shell theme..

*corrected white text on white background problem

*corrected nautilus breadcrumbs and search button.
*improved appearance of gtkswitch widget

Ratings & Comments



Hi, I can't select this theme in gnome 3.4 (it isnt in select box in gnome-tweak-tool). I'm not sure if it is because of theme or my system. Can you pls help?


Hi, Thank for porting elegant brit to gtk3. I also love this theme and am happy to use it in gnome-shell. Unfortunatelly there are few bugs I've noticed. Some of them are already reported in previous posts but do not seem to be fixed. Here is a little screencast that shows the most 3 bugs: - As reported previously, regular gtk apps like gnome-terminal, nautilus or geany show white menus charcter on a white background making it unreadable (with the lastest version downloaded today) - When mouse passes over boxes, the outer line make the pat of the window jump randomly. - Gimp shows ugly outer lines in boxes http://img860.imageshack.us/img860/5113/l35.mp4 IF that may help, I have tested with elegant_brit re-visited and the white/white menu problem doesn't appear... but I find it far less brilliant. thanks again for this port.


Most of the buttons doesn't show any signal when they are selected via tab/cursor keys, I changed this line in the gtk-widgets.css file and figured it out: From: Quote:

-GtkWidget-focus-line-width: 0;
To: Quote:
-GtkWidget-focus-line-width: 1;
In context: Quote:
/*********** * Buttons * ***********/ .button, .button.menuitem.menubar { padding: 1 4; } .button { -GtkWidget-focus-line-width: 1;


cool looking theme, congrats. how can you make the resize triangle change to the one present in the theme? or even remove it at all? also i noticed that on the scroll when reaching top or bottom with the scroll bar the small arrow turns into a gray square. is this normal?


Hey really like this theme :D but have some small issues: - userChrome.css provided fixes Firefox but not Thunderbird. Mailbar and Tabbar look really bad. - Ruler in Gimp is somehow screwed up using Openbox on Arch


You can fix the ruler by adding the following single line at the end of gtk-2.0/gtkrc: widget "*GimpRuler" style "ruler"


Really useful, that works like a charm. Btw "firefox fix" fixes only menus in both firefox and thunderbird, but seems like toolbar and tabbar use somehow the menu theme specification so that both have theme's menu background. If using firefox's menu-less mode that can be good, but elsewhere and in thunderbird the thing is annoying.


On NetBeans 7.0.1, I cannot see the menus whereas no any other window has such problems. The bottom line is problem as well, it shows 2 bottom lines. I've uplodaded the view to the link below.Any idea on how I can fix this ? And thanks for such a great job ! :) http://imgur.com/RHWfu


I'm glad you like it. Netbeans, and other java apps as well, do not play nice with dark/semi-dark themes. So there is probably nothing we can do to fix it.


What is the icons theme? Thanks.


This is the high-contrast theme, comes with gnome :)


I really like this theme. Maybe the best theme for Gnome 3 ;) (Adwaita is too stressful to me) I would like to customize a little bit more for productivity , don't know if everybody will like it: - Increase animation speed - Increase font size, reduce icon side in Activities and Dock. Reduce the size of Wikipedia and Google button in Activities. - Reduce spaces in application menu and context menu - Font colors of menu and other component should be the same, either blue or black. - In Activities, make the right bar (for selecting workspace) always visible. - Reduce space between previewed windows in Activities There's a bug that when begin to type to search in Activities, the two buttons Google and Wikipedia turns black when mouse-over, hiding the black texts on them. Overall, the things I mentioned are minor. If you don't want to change your theme like that, would you show me how. They would make the theme perfect to me :)


Thank you, I'm glad you like it. About the changes, I've been working on this again and I've made some changes like icon size, button size and hover states, message tray etc. Not so sure about the font size though, you can increase it if you prefer, it's only css :). I'm also making some other changes like nicer images for highlighted activities etc. I'll update it in a few days. :) Sorry for replying so late :P


Great work. Elegant Brit has always been one of my favorite themes, thanks for bringing something stylish to gnome3. Minor Bug?: It appears that the rust-color line below the menubar in gtk3 apps is 2 pixels wide, while gtk2 apps has a 3 pixel wide line. I'm not usually that detail oriented, but I've been working on a theme for chromium and kept going back and forth confused why it didn't match. =)


thank you so much. :D Actually the line under the menubar is done as a gradient(with percentage position values). I'll do it again using pixel values(or a pixmap maybe.. :))


I haven't dug into the code much, but could you define it as "border-bottom:3px solid #E04613;" or whatever? Then even it out with a smaller padding on that side or something? May not work. I dunno. Last time I dug around in adwaita I notice that the CSS wasn't quite at 100% yet. Either way, good luck, it's looking great.


well that won't work, because i dont think it's possible to define separate borders in gtk3 yet.but i'll cetainly do somethimg.. :)


http://dl.dropbox.com/u/31401116/elegant-brit.png titlebar got a line font in the panel very small


thank you reduce titlebar font size by 1 unit. For panel font-size, u have to edit in the css. Find 9pt and replace it with 10pt or such.. :)


thank you for your prompt reply it works, thank you for you great work, its simple and sturdy


Just ask me if u have any problem buddy.. :)


Great Theme thanx, keep up the good work.


thank you so much.. :)


man would u port slickness by therob to gtk3


Well slickness is a pixmap theme. I can try to port it but many things will simply be exactly different, like menus, scrollbars etc. see http://tinypic.com/r/wguycn/7

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