- Inside the theme folder there is a readme.txt file with some simple instructions (styles for nautilus, change selection color, metacity-buttons)
If you are using Firefox, I recommend for this theme to install the extension FXChrome. It is not completely flat but almost

- GNOME 3.4.x or GNOME 3.6.x (does not work on other versions of gnome)
- GTK3 theme uses unico-engine
- GTK2 theme uses gtk2-engines-murrine
There are four themes:
FlatStudio: based on the color of my other theme MediterraneanNight
FlatStudioLight: found a mockup that I really liked and in which I based for FlatStudioLight, the mockup is of Tobias Bernard's (minimal GTK theme mockup), found in
FlastudioGray: soft gray frame
FlatStudioDark: flat dark theme

Shell theme:
i found this shell theme:
Contrail by ~theRealPadster,
inspired by the same mokup that FlatStudioLight
icons used in FlatStudio
Nitrux OS Icons by ~DevianTN7k1 (option NITRUX-G)
icons used in FlatStudioLight
Clarity-icon-theme by Jakub Jankiewicz (option dark_canus)
i also like
AwOken icon theme by alecive (option AwOkenDark)
fonts used in FlatStudioLight
Tobias recommended “Roboto” font
Minimalist wallpapers:
Ratings & Comments
9 +
btw, i’m looking for a gtk3 closer to Raleigh or Motif, where can we find one?
Excellent theme, a pity that it does not show state change in Toggle Buttons. I have a program where a selection is made with such buttons, but there's no way to know which has been clicked.
I had the problem that eg. buttons and notebook tabs which contained several elements in a gtkbox/gtkgrid, did not correctly let through the background color, and received the default bg (dark gray). After studying how all this works, I found that no background color was defined for those elements, while they are supposed to be transparent. I defined a new class for GtkGrid, with transparent bg, and behold, it works! Elements look a lot nicer... I'd publish the changes, but don't really know where. Suggestions?
If anyone has the same problem, I've posted what I did here: http://www.jcoppens.com/soft/howto/gtk/flatstudio.en.php
How would I go about enabling lockscreen backgrounds on Cinnamon. I run Arch with Cinnamon on top and this theme just blacks out my background on the lockscreen. Adwaita-Grey allows me to use my wallpaper but I prefer this theme.
Your theme should be default in gnome! i like the flat design :) I've found some issues on ubuntu-gnome 14.10 / gnome-shell 3.12 that forced me to change it for now... a new release of the theme is already planned?
This is an awesome theme. Any chance of an update for gnome 3.10+?
This is a really nice theme, to bad no update for GTK 3.8... :( Oh sad...
I don't have an account in gnome-look. Today, I registered this account only for leaving here a comment. This theme is the best one I ever found. Please keep updating and maintaining it. thanks a lot!!!!
Looks really good, but would you add an xfwm-theme? Or is one available somewhere?
Anybody can answer for me?
Anyone can help to change desktop icons font color in FlatStudio Dark theme? http://www.dodaj.rs/f/y/J3/2RBFFeWQ/screenshot-from-2013-12-.png
Could you please port the window borders to openbox? would be very appreciated :)
Hi, the bookmarks bar in Chrome is light grey with all bookmarks name readable only if highlighted. I'm using Flatstudio (standard). Thanks
I really like your theme. I notice this problem: ubuntu 13.10 gnome-calculator, digits are not visible.
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5G7u0oU_Ojbc0dhWXdnWWdEOTQ/edit?usp=sharing La ventana seleccionada tiene fondo y la ventana que hay en segundo plano tiene una lineas horizontales. ¿Como puedo ponerlo para que este igual que en tus imagenes?
Really awesome theme it is..love the flat look.. I am using elementary OS with slim wingpanel..how can i change the background color in wingpanel? Screenshot :http://i.imgur.com/aAoADPb.jpg
I like this theme, thanks!
I'm using Linux Mint Mate Edition. And using standard panel, it show two different background. And Here is another problem too applications using Gtk3 shows some white lines in menus. Please Fix....... Picture showes everything. Thanks in advance for reply. http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/knowledgebase-pics1/2211-pic1.jpg
Hello, I've installed the theme and I really enjoy the look of it, however the window pane and buttons does not seem to work. It defaults to one of the stock Gnome 3 themes. Any help? Thank you in advance!
I use FlatStudioGray theme and noticed, that checked disabled radio buttons are not visible. I've fixed this on my system with the following patch (expire in a month) http://pastebin.com/D9UZ0xE7 Please, consider changing this bit in next release. Thanks for a great theme and good luck!
Re-pasted with no expiration so others can still reference: http://pastebin.com/1uh3i20g
First of all, I would like to say that I love this theme. It's probably my favorite theme out there, being extremely minimalistic, clean while still looking beautiful. Since you stated in another post that you have a problem with your eye, I hope that you'll get well soon, since I would like to see this theme posted to GNOME 3.8. Regards
I really like the default FlatStudio theme, but there's a little problem; theres little contrast between the greys as seen here: http://i.imgur.com/9tySBEi.png The other variations don't have this problem I'm on Ubuntu 3.10 Cheers