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A theme inspired by my earlier work "Adwaita-cupertino" but looking softer contrasts and less "cupertino"

Added gnome-shell theme adapted to GrayDay
The gnome-shell theme is a modification of the nice theme "Ambiance Blue Theme Suite" created by satya164

Requirements: Gnome 3.4, GTK3 unico-engine, GTK2 Murrine and Pixmap engines.
Tested in Fedora 17 Gnome 3.4.x and Unity/Ubuntu 12.04

IMPORTANT: Inside the theme folder there is a readme.txt file with some instructions for customizations.
- 6 presets for change the highlight color scheme easily
- 5 styles for nautilus
3 styles to fit gnome 3.4 (gnome-shell) without globalmenu
2 styles specific for unity, to fit gnome 3.4 with globalmenu

- 5 styles for tabs (tabs-themed, tabs-themed-light, tabs-dark, tabs-gray, tabs-classic) see screenshot 3
- 2 styles for unity top panel (default theme and dark)
Last changelog:

update 1.12 (2012-09-01)
- Added new buttons to metacity, now there are two options
1. - normal buttons (initial style)
2. - rounded buttons (new style)
To use one style or another, copy file content of metacity_buttons_normal.tar.gz or metacity_buttons_rounded.tar.gz in the folder ../GrayDay/metacity-1 (more details in readme.txt)
- small adjustments to the height of some widgets
- slight variation in the style of the gradients
- redesign in some applications to improve the appearance of the theme
gedit, terminal, nautilus and epiphany now have tabs in a similar safari style (screenshot 2)

update 1.11 (2012-05-30)
Maintenance release
- Fixed Color of some labels in rare circumstances
- Fixed tabs appearance of Epiphany
- GTK2: Fixed progressbar color
- small color correction sidebar
- Added color scheme "wood"
- Changed default tab style

update 1.10 (2012-05-24)
- Fix white font in some selected labels
- improved design of inlinetoolbar ([+-] in open-file dialogs)
- Now you have the opportunity to change the highlight color scheme easily
You only have to edit 1 line in /GrayDay/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
@import url("colors/gtk3-colors-default.css");

and for gtk2, one in the file /GrayDay/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
include "colors/gtk2-colors-default.rc"

Here are some predefined known options:
- Default: @import url("colors/gtk3-colors-default.css");
- Fedora (blue): @import url("colors/gtk3-colors-fedora.css");
- Ubuntu (orange): @import url("colors/gtk3-colors-ubuntu.css");
- Mint (green): @import url("colors/gtk3-colors-mint.css");
- Graphite: @import url("colors/gtk3-colors-graphite.css"); (recomended with tabs-gray.css)
- Red (try it!): @import url("colors/gtk3-colors-red.css");

and similar presets for gtk2

you can learn from the existing presets and create your own!

update 1.03 (2012-05-14)
- IMPORTANT: The theme is now specifically for Gnome 3.4 (NOT INSTALL in Gnome 3.2)
- No more error messages when running applications from the terminal (gnome 3.4)
- Small tweaks in gnome-shell to suit gnome 3.4 (test for now)
- Significant changes in the overall appearance of several widgets (buttons, lists, nautilus pathbar ...)
- Drastic changes in appearance of the tabs (5 styles: tabs-themed, tabs-themed-light, tabs-dark, tabs-gray, tabs-classic). See screenshot 3 and readme.txt !!!

update 1.02 (2012-03-31)
- Small tweaks in gnome-shell
- Fix small bugs
- Refinement check-radio-buttons
- High adaptation to gnome 3.4 ubuntu 12.04 (still a small problem with text tabs color)

Version 1.01 (2012-03-11)
- Added gnome-shell theme
- small tweaks (some bordes, radiobutton a little darker, ...)

Version 1.0 (2012-03-09)
Complete compatibility with Gnome 3.2.1 and unity-ubuntu 11.10

In the next update, attempt completion of unity/ubuntu 12.04

Ratings & Comments



I recently downloaded and installed the GrayDay 1.12 on Ubuntu 12.04 (gnome 3.4). I really like the theme and the Fedora color map colors. I figured out how to adjust the row item selection shading from the default. I changed to 1.7 so that the highlighting a little darker in the gtk3-colors-fedora.css file. Is there a way to adjust the highlight color shading used in Gedit and LibreOffice? When I use Gedit or LibreOffice, and I highlight text, the shading is too light and hard for me to see. I would like to make it darker, similar to what I've done with the shading in nautilus. Where can I make this adjustment if possible?


Regarding gedit, in the next update is solved, but temporarily can do the following: - edit the file ../grayday/gtk-3.0/gtk-widgets.css and add this to the end of the file (copy/paste) @define-color back_linenumber_color shade(@theme_bg_color, 1.05); GeditWindow GtkTextView { background-color: @back_linenumber_color; } GtkTextView.view:selected { background-color: shade(@theme_selected_bg_color, 1.70); } Now you can set the background color of the line numbers and color selection within gedit. On LibreOffice ... considering it is a gtk2 application, the only thing I can think of is to try to change the selection color for gtk2 - edit the file ../grayday/gtk-2.0/colors/gtk2-colors-fedora.rc find gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color:#4a70a6" gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color:#ffffff" the first is the background color selection , and second, the selected foreground color


trastes, Thanks for the quick response. The change gtk-widgets.css file worked to change the text selection color in Gedit. The text selection is darker now and easier to see. Regarding the change to gtk2-colors-fedora.rc, it didn't seem to have an impact on the text selection color in LibreOffice. If you think of something else to try let me know. Thanks again for a great theme.


After upgrade to 12.10 menu in your wonderful themes looks like: How can I fix this?


You must have a few things clear: - The theme is not for gnome 3.6, is for gnome 3.4 - Due to internal differences between gnome 3.6 and gnome 3.4, the themes of the two versions are incompatible. - You can not fix if you can not do a theme for gnome 3.6, have to change many lines of code, too. (not a few lines) - If the theme is not compatible with gnome 3.6, is because Gnome developers makes it incompatible with their updates. - in just one year because of these updates I had to throw it away full theme 4 times, (lots of hours of work) and really tired already - I'm trying to port the theme to gnome 3.6, but I can not say when it will be finished, some internal changes are too drastic. sorry


After upgrade to 12.10 menu in your wonderful themes looks like: How can I fix this?


After upgrade to 12.10 menu in your wonderful themes looks like: How can I fix this?


Hello again, is it possible to remove or hide the separators between toolbar items?


To remove separators in toolbars GTK3 edit the file ../GrayDay/gtk-3.0/gtk-widgets.css About line 1340, look for this .toolbar GtkSeparatorToolItem, .primary-toolbar .toolbar GtkSeparatorToolItem, .primary-toolbar.toolbar GtkSeparatorToolItem { color: shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.56); } and replace it (copy/paste) .toolbar GtkSeparatorToolItem, .primary-toolbar .toolbar GtkSeparatorToolItem, .primary-toolbar.toolbar GtkSeparatorToolItem { color: shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.56); -unico-border-gradient: none; border-color: @transparent; -unico-inner-stroke-color: @transparent; } regards :)


great, thanks! But how to do this in gtk2? And one more thing I'd like to ask: is it possible to increase the size of right-click menu arrow?


To remove separators in GTK2 toolbars ------------------------------------- edit the file ../GrayDay/gtk-2.0/gtkrc , and paste the following at the end of file style "separator_tool_item" { xthickness = 0 ythickness = 0 engine "pixmap" { image { function = BOX file = "assets/null.png" border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 } stretch = TRUE } } } widget_class "*<GtkSeparatorToolItem>*" style "separator_tool_item" To increase the size of right-click menu arrow ---------------------------------------------- edit the file ../GrayDay/gtk-3.0/gtk-widgets.css About line 1158, look for this .menuitem { -GtkMenuItem-arrow-scaling: 0.5; -unico-menuitem-arrow-color: @menu_controls_color; padding: 3px 0px; } size set here (try values ​​between 0.5 and 0.9): -GtkMenuItem-arrow-scaling: 0.5; in the next update I will change by 0.7 -GtkMenuItem-arrow-scaling: 0.7;


in the next update I'll make it easier and documented in the readme.txt ;)


Thank you VERY much, friend. I really appreciate your help. Everything worked ok!


The theme is so awesome! Especially buttons


Hi, I love this theme, but I seem to have a small graphical bug. I'm using GNOME on Ubuntu 12.04 and when I do a mouseover/hover over the show desktop applet icon shifts to the left slightly (or the padding increases) this temporary shifts everything next to it to the right. A similar thing happens with hovering over the Window list applet, where hovering over pushes the text to the left. Is there any way to fix this or disable the hover effects for these two things?


Nice theme. Here are fixes for gedits tabs, line number background and current line highlight color. gtk-widgets.css.diff: @@ -1588,6 +1588,10 @@ * textview * ************/ GtkTextView { +/* background-color: @base_color;*/ +} + +GtkTextView.view { background-color: @base_color; } @@ -1942,6 +1946,7 @@ text-shadow: 0 1 alpha(#fff, 0.15); } +GeditWindow .notebook, TerminalWindow .notebook, NautilusWindow .notebook { border-width: 1px;


:) That is simple. I wonder why trustes doesn't know this. That's because synaptic executes by root user which doesn't has usual user theme configuration. You have to make a link for ~./themes(if you puted custom theme in that directory) for root user: sudo ln -s ~/.themes /root


Yes I know the trick, but I do not know why, but I assumed that had the theme installed in /usr/share/themes It is because of stress, too many themes to maintain, and the tendency to assume that people know how to do everything necessary to run a theme, sorry :)


I think if placing any theme in /usr/share/.themes it's need to see what permissions for theme's folder and also files inside it, that they to be the same permissions as others themes.


Mistaked -- not /usr/share/.themes but /usr/share/themes

vanlong441 I remember reporting the same problem once over Adwaita Cupertino theme but nothing has been improved since then. Now I meet the same problem with Grayday.


something is wrong with your installation or if you changed the color scheme in gtkrc possibly made ​​an error of syntax


same for Adwaita Cupertino


I tried with fresh installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and the problem persists. Changing the GTK theme to Ambiance gave Synaptic a better look right away though. I don't know why.


Este tema es compatible con Mate Desktop Environment??

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version 1.12
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