Gnome Cupertino

GTK3/4 Themes

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Available as/for:
Gnome-Cupertino and Gnome-Cupertino-Mint for Gnome 3.6.x

The upgrade to 2.x (and name change) is a bit drastic, and it is because I had to practically the theme from scratch and make a decision to keep only one of the previous two L and SL. Another reason for name change is because the theme does not use the adwaita-engine over several versions.

Version for unity due to global-menu

- GTK3 theme: unico-engine is no longer necessary for the theme
- GTK2 theme: uses gtk2-engines-murrine and gtk2-engines-pixbuf
- Ubuntu 12.10 comes by default with gnome 3.6 and nautilus-3.4 (though you can upgrade to nautilus-3.6), but if you have nautilus-3.4, you must set the theme for nautilus-3.4, as explained in the readme.txt

- Inside the theme folder there is a readme.txt file with some really simple instructions (styles for nautilus, 4 tab styles, glassy buttons, Unity top panel white mac style, some fix)

Hope you like it for everyday use.

I recommend this fantastic icon themes:
Elementary icons theme

if you use Chrome, for the scroll bars
elementary scrollbars 4 chrome by conorsulli
elementary scrollbars by Aaron
Last changelog:

Version 2.1.5 (2013-04-14)
- unico-engine dependencies removed, unico-engine is no longer necessary for the theme
- Added theme gnome-cupertino-mint
- Modified toolbar buttons (pressed and over effects)
- Small variation Gtkswich
- fixed minor bugs

Version 2.1.4 (2013-03-14)
Maintenace release
- ProgressBar closer to the original style
- Fixed menu items separators
- Fixed progressbar Xnoise
- Fixed gcalc sometimes does not look good display-background-color
- height correction of some elements and other minor fixes

Version 2.1.3 (2013-01-26)
- Maintenace release
- More adjust/fix with the new Nemo pathbar
- other minor fixes
(If you do not use nemo probably not need this update)

Version 2.1.2 (2013-01-1
Maintenace release
- Fix: adjust the theme with the new Nemo pathbar
(If you do not use nemo not need this update)

Version 2.1.1 (2013-01-10)
- Maintenance Release
- improved rhythmbox sidebar color
- nautilus 3.6: pathbar better spacing, improved icons sidebar color
- Fixed checkbox and radiobutton symbols in menus
- Fixed Level-bar widget
- Fixed synaptic toolbar (GTK3)
- other minor fixes

Version 2.1 (2012-12-16)
- The theme is now applied correctly to OSD widgets
- New style gtkswitch
- Improvements gtkscale and slider
- Buttons a little more rounded
- cosmetic changes in tabs and fixed the borders when the tabs are located bottom, left or right
- Fixed combobox border in toolbars

Version 2.0 Final Relase (2012-12-07)
IMPORTANT: if you installed the pre-release, we strongly recommend a clean installation
Since the pre-release version
- Fixed all reported bugs and some more
- Optimization of several applications gnome 3.6 and many tweaks to the details
- Improvements in the GTK2
- Improvements in metacity theme
- Tested exhaustively in gnome-shell, cinnamon and unity

Version 2.0 Pre-relesae 2 (2012-12-02)
- Changed pathbar style nautilus 3.6
- Gnome-Cupertino-Unity: windows buttons have buttons SL style
(tip: switch metacity theme (between cupertino cupertino-unity) can switch between Lion or SL style buttons)

Version 2.0 Pre-relesae (2012-12-01)
- The theme has been ported to Gnome 3.6.x
- It includes two variations:
Gnome-Cupertino for gnome-shell or cinnamon
Gnome-Cupertino-Unity if your environment is unity
- The theme is fully integrated with Nautilus 3.6.x, Nemo (cinnamon 1.6.x) and Nautilus 3.4.x-ubuntu 12.10
- Small cosmetic changes due to adaptation to gnome 3.6.x
- The default setting is for Nautilus 3.6.x
- if you use nautilus 3.4 in ubuntu 12.10 must modify a line in gtk.css similar to the previous version (see readme.txt)

Version 1.4.3 (2012-08-25)
- maintenance release
- small adjustments to the height of some widgets
- correction of some bugs in nautilus (color label in iconview, small visual adjustments)
- redesign in some applications to improve the appearance of the theme
better integrated calculator (gcalctool)
gedit, terminal, nautilus and epiphany now have tabs in a similar safari style

Ratings & Comments



9 +1


PLS publish on github. Is much more easy to manage the whole project there. An erverybody can easily contribute. See this as an great example for github publishing: * *


Requesting permission to modify this theme and to post it.


You can make any changes you want. No problem. Best regards!


I love that theme, I use since Ubuntu 11.04 I'm on 14.04 now, and i see that have a lot of people waiting for the update.


hi, i think we schould give the creator a change to update it. fixing or rewriting a theme is Not a problem for me. however i accept the Great Work and i would need to read the license and wait a month before hosting a similar theme on gnome-look org. regards bluedxca93


The licence is GPL v3. Since the author hasn't worked on this theme for over a year and doesn't use Gnome anymore, I don't expect he's gonna update this. I'd appreciate if you update this theme for Ubuntu 14.04.


i can't give you an release Date. but regarding the fact that i ported Mac4lin macbuntu gtk2, win2-7 and 2002- xp to gtk3 it schould be very easy. when im done u would comment here with theme -n link.This can be in some Weeks. i need about max 5 hours to Do it with gtk3.10 can also be 2h.


Some weeks are over, theme is still not updated.


hi, i did already uploadéd up some weeks ago. thank you so much, for your comment. i really did forget to post link here. if you face any problems with this theme, post on the new theme site. don't simply vote down (it won't help anyone). regards bluedxca93.


I´d love to see this working in Gnome 3.10+ again.


And please vote this up.


Felicitaciones por el theme, es excelente! Switching to english. Are there any plans to update the theme for Gnome 3.8/3.10? Under Gnome 3.8 I made a change to nautilus36.css to be able to let Nautilus handle the desktop without loosing the background image. NautilusDesktopWindow GtkWidget { background-color: @transparent; } Even doe, now under Gnome 3.10 the same fix is not working anymore. :( It's like some other setting in the theme is overriding it (Adwaita is working ok -desktop background present even using Nautilus to handle the desktop). Any ideas? Thanks for all your work and keep up, the number of fans is only going up!


Please upgrade to 3.8 & 3.10! If you don't work on this any more, is there an alternative?


how to install (im new user)


I love this theme so much that I ported to GNOME 3.8 myself. Here's the link if anyone is interested


That may work on Ubuntu with Unity, but theres a problem on Ubuntu 13.10 with GNOME 3.8 - the menus on GTK apps such as Image Viewer, Totem, Abiword etc (i.e. "File", "Edit"...) are invisible.


Yeah, when I ported I was using unity and did not test under the gnome desktop. But I've already fixed it now. Here's the updated link I also have tested with gnome 3.10 and seems to be 100% compatible. If you see any other issue just let me know and I'll try to fix too :)


OK, cool, and thanks! :)


Just tried the new version, seems to be working just fine! :)


The unity panel is light instead of dark in your mod. How come and what should I do to change it back to dark? thanks!


In file Gnome-Cupertino-unity2/gtk-3.0/unity.css, on line 3, you have the gradient colors that compose the panel. Change those and restart unity.


Thanks! I figured that's where to mod the panel but didn't restart Unity so couldn't see any changes. Thanks for the tip.


Hi solidsnake, Well you did ask, so I've done some more testing with your theme :) I've found a couple of minor "issues" with Nautilus... I'm using GNOME Shell 3.8 on Ubuntu 13.10. 1. The horizontal bars in Nautilus menus are much darker than in other apps. 2. When mousing over a menu entry, the text goes white and almost invisible, rather than being highlighted in blue like other apps: I posted up a pic here: All of the other apps look correct, like gedit in this pic: As you can see in the second pic, the horizontal bars in other GTK apps menus are very light grey - this is correct. Also, when mousing over a menu entry, the text is highlighted in blue, just like it should be :) Cheers, itsjustarumour


This theme is simply the best I have used for my Ubuntu 13.04. If I can have only one complaint or suggestion rather (:)), can you please make the unity panel look a bit more smoother? I know you are not concentrating on Unity as such but this theme is great for it but the panel looks.

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version 2.1.5
downloads 24h 1
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 6

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