MediterraneanNight Series
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
12 Themes for Gnome 3.6.x and 3.8.x
- GTK2 theme uses gtk2-engines-murrine and gtk2-engines-pixbuf
- Inside the theme folder (MediterraneanNight) there is a readme.txt file with some really simple instructions to customize the theme (styles for nautilus, 4 tab styles, metacity buttons)
- Ubuntu 12.10 comes by default with gnome 3.6 and nautilus-3.4 (though you can upgrade to nautilus-3.6), but if you have nautilus-3.4, you must set the theme for nautilus-3.4, as explained in the readme.txt
- Almost all the themes are the same, varying between each of them only the color scheme and some bitmaps, which provides an opportunity for the more restless to create your own theme with few changes.
Take for example the series MediterraneanTribute
Known issues:
- qBitTorrent with MediterraneanGrayDark.
* FEDORA 19 users *
The default installation of the package gtk2-engines, not install you really need, which is this:
Murrine GTK2 engine
- MediterraneanNight also support nautilus-3.4. (see readme.txt)
* Select style for nautilus *
Edit the file ../MediterraneanNight/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
go to the last line of the file, there are seven options for nautilus:
Nautilus 3.6.x for gnome-shell 3.6.x and/or unity (by default)
@import url("nautilus36.css");
3 options for nautilus 3.4.x (gnome-shell)
1.- "gnome-nautilus34-gray.css" (nautilus sidebar and toolbar dark gray)
2.- "gnome-nautilus34-light.css" (nautilus sidebar and toolbar light)
3.- "gnome-nautilus34-gray-light.css" (nautilus sidebar dark gray and toolbar light)
3 options for nautilus 3.4.x (UNITY)
1.- "unity-nautilus34-gray.css"
2.- "unity-nautilus34-light.css"
3.- "unity-nautilus34-gray-light.css"
Version 2.03 (2013-06-20)
Maintenace release
- Full support gnome 3.6.x and gnome 3.8.x
- Fixed: Nautilus Desktop and gnome-shell-3.8.x
(unity + nautilus desktop + gnome 3.8.x still bad, my impression is that it is a problem between unity and nautilus-3.8.x)
- Fixed: GtkSwich looks bad on menus
- Fixed: Epiphany-3.8.x progressbar loading page
- Other minor cosmetic fixes
Version 2.02 FIXED (2013-04-22)
- Fixed a major bug (basic color syntax) in MediterraneanDark
Version 2.02 (2013-04-21)
Maintenace release
- Partial support for gnome 3.8.x
- Removed unico-engine dependencies
(I think that fixes the problem with opensuse 12.3)
- Added some texture in titlebar and toolbars
- Fixed: combobox in some circumstances appear misaligned with other controls (e.g. gnome-tweak-tools)
- Fixed: combobox insensitive color
- darker text fonts
Version 2.01 (2013-03-09)
Maintenance release
- Fixed: bug progressbar of x-noise
- Fixed: bug toolbar of synaptic-gtk3
- Fixed: bug Xfce desktop icons
- Other minor fixes
- Added several Xfce window theme: Darkest serie, Tribute and TributeBlue
- Changed GtkSwitch
- Changed Metacity buttons MediterraneanWhite
- Improved customization option: tabs-themed.css
- Added customization option tabs-themed-dark.css
the same as tabs-themed but better adapted to dark themes
MediterraneanDark, MediterraneanDarkest, MediterraneanGrayDark, MediterraneanTributeDark
Version 2.0 (2013-02-20)
IMPORTANT: if you installed the pre-release, we strongly recommend a clean installation
MediterraneanNight now contains 12 variations of the theme
MediterraneanTributeDark (new)
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
Hi everyone I'm new on Ubuntu, how I can install this theme, please help.
Upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04, MediterraneanTributeBlue is now unusable : Nautilus theme : http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/11/59/11/59/nautil10.png Notification zone : http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/11/59/11/59/notifi10.png Window top decoration : http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/11/59/11/59/window11.png Windows list (vertical for me) : http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/11/59/11/59/window10.png I am sad, after extensive research, it was the best theme that I could find ...
I love this theme...
I love this theme and has been using it for years but it needs a serious fork.
me again... I use the Cairo dock and with "MediterraneLight" the background in the sound menu appears white (see http://www.digimage.de/Public/MediterraneLight_SoundsettingsMenu.jpg). How can I change this? Thanks!
Very nice theme! Thanks! But in Thunderbird there is an unsightly problem (see http://www.digimage.de/Public/MediterranLight_Scrennshot.jpg): The inactive selection appears with illegible black text (in contrast to the active selection where it is fine). How can I change this? Thanks for your help.
but now I need to look for something else, since with recent system updates problems start popping up. Here is one http://i.imgur.com/vQtpTCZ.png transparent elements of gtk3 apps.
Will this work with GNOME 3.14?
This theme has problems on ubuntu 14.04, screenshots highlighting elements that look out of place: http://i.imgur.com/S65U5Lb.jpg http://i.imgur.com/TXZgYHw.jpg It looks like whatever elements gtk uses for those gtk items are not themed by this theme. My question is, can anyone tell me which are the names of those items so I can update mine? I've already had to update this theme a lot to make it tolerable under ubuntu 14.04, to the author, please review it and see if it can be updated...
For whatever it's worth I found the element. Commenting this: GtkOrientable { background-color: @theme_bg_color; } from the gtk-widgets.css file fixed that issue.
How do I remove the border between the titlebar and tabs?
Hi very nice theme. Thus a little problem I noticed on focus: using the tab key to change the active widget should chnage its focus and it is not visible on toggle buttons (checkbox, radio)
Hello. How can I change font color on my desktop? Now I have dark color for theme Mediterranean Night. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1i7m5olq215ncbw/Screenshot%20from%202014-08-17%2012%3A18%3A15.png Thank you.
Great Theme, a big thank you. i was looking for a long time for a soft grey theme, not to dark, not to shinny. i've found it. The windows button are superb in white mode. Withnight control are great too. i love this them, i sitck with it forever. GREAT WORK
Hi, thank you very much for these themes, really nice! I'm using MediterraneanDarkest but i'm having some problems in Firefox, such as some texts i print are to light or some type boxes have a dark background, some doesn't (so writing light text on white background isn't comfortable). Is there any way to avoid firefox being affected by the theme? Thank you very much, sorry my english.
You can for example apply a Firefox theme that suits you. Take a look at Firefox Add-ons. On the other hand, this is an issue that should be addressed in the theme (or FF) code, for better integration.
The icon set goes perfectly well with the theme. What is the icon set?
It 's Faenza and Faience
Thanks a lot.
Dear people, Instead of being all the time here asking for help (that probably won't come anytime soon), what if we joined our efforts to learn and improve this family of themes? As a first step, I have put a git repository at https://github.com/rbrito/pkg-mediterranean-gtk-themes The master branch is still the same as version 2.03 of the tarball, but I have been integrating the changes that others have provided as patches stored in the `debian/patches` directory. Once we reach a conclusion of maintaining this set of themes collaboratively, I will apply all the patches and potentially tag/release a new version (say, 2.04 or 2.10 or anything else) and delete those patches from the `debian/patches` directory. I would kindly ask you if you know how to write GTK3 themes to lend a hand here (even if you don't use any of the themes yourself), as I am still learning as I am doing. If you know anybody who has experience or has ever tweaked a GTK3 theme, please, let him/her know of this initiative and that we need some help. Unfortunately, it seems that the original author of this theme (and, to be fair, of many other attractive themes) is not interested in updating the respective themes to newer versions of GTK and only be here clamoring for their attention will probably bear no fruits. His last response was, if I am not mistaken, in July of 2013. This is Free Software after all, and as long as there are interested parties in the project, it will survive. That being said, if the original author (or even authors of other projects) want to join the maintainance (so that the burden of maintainance becomes distributed on not entirely on one person's shoulders), feel free to join me and others. Let's create a very attractive and professional looking theme for GTK applications, be they GTK2 or GTK3. Regards, Rogério Brito.
Hi. Just for the record and in the best spirit of doing things in the open, I have already received some help from kind members of our community: https://github.com/rbrito/pkg-mediterranean-gtk-themes/graphs/contributors We have started maintaining and improving the theme (as well as we currently can and know) so that it is starting to work with newer versions of GTK without looking too bad. If you know anything about theming or is just curious about experimenting things like "what happens if I change this color in this theme to this other color", then we would love your help. We are making progress, but we could always use some help, especially in making the theme easier to maintain. You don't need to know anything about "programming" a theme to help. Just file an issue (preferrably with a screenshot of it showing weird things) and that will bring our attention to the problem. Of course, if you can provide patches, that's even better, because we are all still learning this (and this is your opportunity to both learn from us and teach us something). Regards, Rogério.
Cool, thank you so much ^_^
If you create themes with rule "what happens if I change this color in this theme to this other color" then thank you ;p I'm not going to use it :-P
Please a update for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ^_^