Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This metacity is a fork of W2k metacity. Based on the classic style of the NT serie.
The GTK Theme requires murrine engine and redmond95 engine.
[strike]Anti-Windows fell free to vote negative. lol[/strike]
To install, write on the terminal:
[quote]gnome-appearance-properties WinMe.tar.gz[/quote]
Or copypasta into ~/.themes/
Enjoy. Feedback are welcome.
downvotes lol Last changelog:
The GTK Theme requires murrine engine and redmond95 engine.
[strike]Anti-Windows fell free to vote negative. lol[/strike]
To install, write on the terminal:
[quote]gnome-appearance-properties WinMe.tar.gz[/quote]
Or copypasta into ~/.themes/
Enjoy. Feedback are welcome.
downvotes lol
Metacity: Small fix on Maximized windows
Metacity: Pixmaps of pressing the window buttons.
Title fixed on unfocus
Added pre-defined fonts
Metacity more friendly
Now it accept custom colors
Title bar moved 2 pixels
Ratings & Comments
Nice work! How did you manage to get the color transition in the title line? And is there a nice Win98/95 oriented icon set out there?
doh, 2 years later. btw: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Classic95?content=157298
Ragazzo, usi degli sfondi per il desktop che fanno proprio pena!!!
Realmente apesta eso de querer aparentar windows 98, pero como la idea es original y el trabajo al parecer te quedo muy bien te dejo mi voto a favor ;)
nya! ;3
You sir, have done an awesome and great job on the theme, it looks perfect.
Random idea: I think the gradient on the window title should use the GTK selected color. Still, a very good recreation of the NT themes.
But your theme is perfect! It's the most similar theme for gnome to emulate the (orrible) windows ME graphic! Good work :)
who wants to style his linux like windoof 2000 ??? can't understand this ...
Because they can.
great theme, and windoze = crappppppp
I hate windows:D anyway really great job!
Doesn't WinME have prelight on menu bar? Redmond95 theme does.
yes, thanks for the clue
Anti-Windows fell free to vote negative. lol hahahahaha ;)
very nice work, I voted good for this artwork. it's a shame that most of Linux fanboys sees Windows appearance as something bad, appearance is not bad, bad is what this operative system has inside.
Certainly. Thanks
Good idea but everyone in Linux hates Windows. The last thing I want is my operating system looks like windows. But it's great aniway!!
ubuntu users love the windows look. Look at the "win 7 pack" in here. Horrible, a shame for every freedom lover. But every ubuntu users love it.
Ahem... Not every ubuntu user likes the winloose look. One of my main reasons for installing Linux/Ubuntu is, that the win gui looks like shit. And of course the fact that the virus infected crappy software keeps crashing and destroying the hardware. My butt hair rises every time I see another windows-look on Gnome-look.
First of all, not EVERY Linux user hates Windows or the look of Windows. Particularly, the more mature ones call it by its proper name ("Windows", in case you'd forgotten) and don't have a problem with those who like the look, but prefer Linux's functionality, stability and security. To put this in a language that you will understand: Get your heads out of your butts. You are not superior to Windows users -- or those who enjoy the look of Windows while sticking with Linux.
I don't think that Linux users hate Windows. I feel free in both of them: Linux at home or at work and Windows also at work and at friends PCs. Voted "+". Nice! I download!