Description: This has a Smooth Engine theme with a Metacity theme included.
You DON'T need to compile nothing just unpack it in your .themes folder.
You can use the Metacity theme and the GTK theme Independently. This package not contain a theme with name you must select separately Metacity and GTK theme to achieve the overall effect. Besides i use xcompmgr for shadows. You can find the Wallpaper as an image in the Blender Gallery page... don't remember exactly, sorry. I need to learn more about Smooth Engine themes to finish this one.
I found the Wallpaper... it is in YafRay page and som others too changelog:
- modified Menu bar with a light green - modified window edges
May you can use XFE..
it's light and fast.
The only drawback to me is that it is
slow previewing images. But if you
don't need them, it 's good enough to
try it.
you can find it here...
Ratings & Comments
what is the file manager used in this screen? thanks!
It is Nautilus... You asked the same question before didn't you? Why?... just Curiosity! he he ;-) Thanks for comment!
is because I search for a good file manager for X, and it is hard to find! :D nautilus is bad for me, I use xfce! thanks!
May you can use XFE.. it's light and fast. The only drawback to me is that it is slow previewing images. But if you don't need them, it 's good enough to try it. you can find it here...