Well, this theme is a version of the Aqua theme, based on the Murrine engine.
There are still some problems, but I'm working on them.
If you think it could be better or you don't like it, ADD A COMMENT and tell me why.
Sorry for my poor english

See also:
Emerald theme: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Murrine+Aqua+%28emerald+theme%29?content=117474
Wallpaper (Svalbard): http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=117475
Ratings & Comments
how do modify toolbar scrollbar ecc. beautiful theme
Man I don't remember, this was 7 years ago.
I like it and use it. Very nice. Cheers
Thanks, but I'm going to make it more usable...
There is a small problem with lower arrow on scrollbar, let me know when you make a patch. Anyway very clean and sophisticated.
Hi, I like this GTK+ theme. It's beautiful and nice, and it will included in my next distributions: PractikOS (Ubuntu), PractikFree (gNewSense), PractikLight (Lubuntu) and PractikArch (ArchLinux). Good work. Greetings.
WOW, FANTASTIC! Thx very much...Do you know why fg color on some tabs is white? I'm going to fix it soon
In this case I think you should see my wallpaper too... http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Aurora+Aquamarine?content=112050 The wallpaper in the scrrenshot is the fullchrome one.