Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
Perhaps then I have landed a fish or two. Yes, I did this theme to wake this crowd up and thank-you for noticing and also your comments. Now, a few things I have noticed. You get what you vote or download. If you want something unique, then speak up! OR download away. I have never and will never vote anyone's theme down. That is just plain biting the hand that feeds you stupid mentality, and a very poor idea allowed here. Probably the whole vote thing should be abolished or modified. The abuse is too easily altered by certain unsavory characters. How do I know? I got so mad once that someone had downvoted a very unique theme, not my own, I upvoted twice on different days and It thanked me very much for my vote. The system as it stands is flawed. In the short time I have been submitting themes, I have seen several extremely talented people either leave this site or stop submitting altogether and that is a terrible blow to the whole feel of Linux and the true freedom it delivers. Finally, to all you great and talented black or white themers. Your art is beautiful, not so your color pallete. Just answer me this? Do you watch television in black and white. You can if you want to just mess with settings. Give us some life.
I agree 90% with Bear73 that "90% of the new and different themes in here looks exactly the same.." Seems the "new" look is the same icons or some windows/mac derivative. Don't get me wrong I'm liking the clean" ^ " icon look but only a few like BrickHouse stand out because of bold color.
"And now for something completely different" I certainly give you credit for that, it's an eye catcher for sure.
More like an eye strainer... But 90 % of the new and different themes in here looks exactly the same.. So great one, mate Although red is my favorite colour I'll think I give this one a miss, though.
Hi Bear, Well, I did not update this theme cause I like the eye grab look. However, you motivated me to create a different theme, still red but with less eye strain. I used murrine engine as a base but added more pixmapping. So, check it out and let me know what you think. It is called Brick.