all of those can be installed via synaptic Visual effects should be enabled under Appearance Preferences
What you will get inside the zip file:
Sunglass.tar.bz2 { Is a nice, simple murrine theme, yet very fast and lightweight. Can be installed under Appearance Preferences, or directly extracted to ~/.themes if you want your root applications (such as Synaptic) also to use this style you should also extract to /usr/share/themes or simple run in a terminal window: sudo cp -r ~/.themes/Sunglass /usr/share/themes }
fakeargb { which is a Compiz Color Filter plugin, can be placed anywhere, although I recommend on ~/.compiz then it should be loaded on compiz press "Alt+f2" then type "ccsm" (without the quotes) Make sure "Opacity, Brightness and Saturation" plugin is enabled and on the "Opacity" tab, under "Window specific settings" add a entry for "any" (without the quotes) and with the value 99 Back on the CcSM main menu make sure "Color Filter" is enabled and on the "Filters files" add the full path to the fakeargb file, as presented on the screenshot, you probably should delete the other filters as they are mostly useless leave "Filter window decorations" unchecked and set Filtered windows to "any" (without the quotes) by default the filter can be activated by pressing "super+d" } { If you do not want to press "super+d" every time your computer starts you might want to add this bash script to your startup can be placed anywhere although I recommend on ~/.compiz you might have to change the file properties to become executable, do that by running on the terminal "sudo chmod a+x" and the full path to the file, for example: sudo chmod a+x ~/.compiz/ add a new entry on "Startup Application Preferences" named it as you please the command should be the full path to the file and comment it as you please, as shown in the screenshot The script has a 20 second delay which is assure that "Dbus" compiz plugin have already started (make sure this plugin is enabled under CcSM main menu)this might have to be increased or decreased according to your processor speed } { is a bash script, only need to be run once, the purpose is to change a few settings to match the metacity transparency with the fakeargb plugin, alongside padronizing the look and feel of the theme. you might also have to make it executable with the same "sudo chmod a+x" method }
The final result should be the same as the screenshots
special thanks to:
Compiz user w0fl0x for the fakeargb plugin
and the Gnome-Look user bababoss for the Lucid X (aka Karmic X) metacity theme
Nope, no java at all, only a gtk and metacity theme, plus a compiz color filter that adds the alpha channel to the color set for the background of the windows making this color transparent
Ratings & Comments
Is it Java ? It looks like Looking Glass
Nope, no java at all, only a gtk and metacity theme, plus a compiz color filter that adds the alpha channel to the color set for the background of the windows making this color transparent