My advice is to use it, with DARK PANELS
I've inkluded the one from my theme in /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/.themes/ddragon-s-Glossy/GTK-2.0/menu/
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Enjoy <img class="decoda-emoticon" src="/emoticons/happy.png" alt="">
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....ми то това дето си сътворил уникално бе мен.Чудех се дали ще ти е възможно('щото зная, че си прекалено зает) та дали ще можеш да отделиш малко от така ценното за теб време и да врътнеш една розова версийка на тая и без това объркващо добра темичка. Zako
Hi, this is Emerald thene, that I made for myself, and I'll link it maybe later :) I don''t remember exatly what theme I used for base, but it''s similar to this : http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/SubVista+Emerald+Theme?content=120752 The icon theme is made for my own taste, and it's based on Desert Icon theme, but with corrections . Because it's 70Mb theme, I can't up it here, but Ill find a way, if youre interested :) Greetings, and thanks for the comment :)
This theme looks great!!! Which emerald theme are you using... (if it is in fact emerald)