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A complete OSX-pack for Gnome.
With installer.

Contains; Icon theme, GTK2 theme, metacity theme, and mouse theme.

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Hey, great theme, but your quits with an error. you have the following line in it: cd panther && cp -R cursors $HOME/.icons/default/ that doesn't work as you replaced this install method with a newer one. replace this line with "cd panther && sh install" and it works. And maybe update the package ;-) Chris


Somehow, when I run in ubuntu, I get a memory leak unless I deactivate it in Controls


hey thanks man! can you get the "desktop" icon working? thats the only thing it needs! awesome job!!


Actually, it seems I cannot. Nor can I, as of this moment, make any other icon theme, including Gnome's own semi-official "Crux" and/or Crystal Clear themes display an icon for the "show desktop" button, which is what I'm assuming you were referring to. I apologize and I'll let you know if/when I fix it.


How to install these themes? I used GNOME theme preferences but It just changes some Thing. When you gou to the Theme details, they dont even apear with the rest of the themes (Were galaxy is)


You can either do "./" from a terminal in the extracted directory, or you can double-click it in gnome and select "run". Third option is manual install; copy the gtk2 and metacity folders to ~/.themes and the icons to ~/.icons


Hi! Where I can find that wallpaper on screenshots? Thanks. Nick


You can find the background and more at;


Thanks! :-)


Why Panther theme ? Would you think to make Tiger theme ? Sorry for my english if is bad..


Very much so, I'm starting sometime this/next month :-) I'll be posting news and progress on the website posted above.


there are many aspects of mac's new gui that i like. this theme has none of them. stipple\scanline is ugly. it was ugly on mac, it was ugly on kde (baghira), and it's ugly on gnome. even more so, since the menu bar doesn't get stippled. handles don't don't need to be aqua-fied. all of the vertical resize bars are messed up. the horizontal resize bars don't look so hot either since they aren't big enough to see the image. text entries look terrible rounded, as the cursor overlaps the rounded corners. menus (main, drop-down, pop-up, etc) have no border, which looks really bad. and as with most aqua\mac themes, xchat's input line is unusable (grey fg on white bg). the most noticeable thing, though, is that there is no consistency in the colors of the aqua images. not with each other or the stock icons. this theme looks like what it mostly is... a bunch of other people's bad mac themes thrown into one just-as-bad theme. and on top of all that... sloppy packaging. there are so many backup files (3 of gtkrc alone), unused icons, and files of questionable licensing ( (also unused)).


Perhaps you shold read the version listed, again. This is far from a complete set, it's merely a compilation to achieve what is seen in the screenshot. I will however take your points into consideration during my progress :-) PS. While I appreciate critisism, I can't really do a whole lot with an "Everything is wrong" comment. You're overly welcome to do tweaking yourself and send me the result, or even post it under your own name, the theme-pack is after all GPL.


version listed? 1.0 or 1.1? i think that's awfully high for something so incomplete. you don't start at 1.0 and work your way up... 1.0 should be the goal... the finished product. and as for the screenshots... they are not very representative of what we are downloading. there is nothing in any of them that show any buttons, stock icons, or the stippling. if you're making a gtk theme, you should be showing off gtk apps that use a lot of different widgets (take a look the the gtk section on sometime). if some real gtk apps had been featured, i wouldn't have even bothered with it. and yes, i did more or less say "everything is wrong", but i followed it up with a big paragraph citing what was wrong... so, um... there you go. you weren't meant to do anything with that. it was strictly my opinion.


Arh sorry about that, it should be fixed now :)


gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file tar: Read 8782 bytes from /home/bvc/Desktop/tAqua-pack.tar.gz tar: Unexpected EOF in archive tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now


Just a quick note; Third screenshot contains a scroll-error, and is *not* theme-error :)

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version 1.1
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