Description: Just a mere hack of Maverick version of the Ambience Ubuntu default theme, hacked for a better gnome-color-chooser colour schemes compatibility. All credits should be to their original authors, since i only improved it a bit.
(explaining better: the colour schemes from the screenshots shown are not provided with this theme, they are only showing how easy we can replace them in this version of Ambience theme from gnome-color-chooser. Please judge for how fine it works with gnome-color-chooser with your own colour schemes, and not about how the colour schemes from these screenshots doesn't target your taste.)
(this theme were only tested on Ubuntu 10.10 aplha, and i think it only needs the Murrine engine preinstalled, what i think comes defaultly preinstalled on Ubuntu since long time)
without any design, just like the redmond theme
totally different as shown in the screenshots
i have gnome color chooser, when i choose a gnomecc it still remains flat
i think it needs the Murrine engine installed? anyway, i only tested on Ubuntu Maverick (i think Ubuntu comes with Murrine defaultly preinstalled, from long time), nowhere else yet..
what you're saying is awesome, because if you have better suggestions for colour schemes, please send .gnomecc files to me (or upload here at, after testing on this theme - if these colour schemes from you are so awesome as you're saying, i'll replace these screenshots immediatelly! it's awesome being constantly learning more about colour harmony! thank you! :)
He is NOT providing the color schemes, he has modified the Ambiance theme so the colors can be adjusted properly, and not just as poorly as in the original Ambiance.
Good Idea.
thanks, this were the main idea. the only problem is still colours i couldn't fix or replace, like on gtkrc (some buttons appears preselected, and some linked texts -but i hope fixing it soon, and even better if i could get some feedback from their original authors)
The colour choices are up to the users tastes, and the screenshots are only examples showing this possibility, which the original one lacks hardly (specially on Metacity and on the Panel) - this is a hack allowing a better gnome-color-chooser compatibility, not a theme with unchangeable colour scheme. It's extremelly using gnome-color-chooser there, and be welcome contributing with better colour schemes as .gnomecc files here at ! - please tell me a more sincere oppinion after trying it with gnome-color-chooser! :)
Ratings & Comments
without any design, just like the redmond theme totally different as shown in the screenshots i have gnome color chooser, when i choose a gnomecc it still remains flat
this theme is broken !
this means the original one is broken as well
downloaded it again, still not working. is it meant as a hack in that way that i have to copy it over anoter ambient-theme ?
i think it needs the Murrine engine installed? anyway, i only tested on Ubuntu Maverick (i think Ubuntu comes with Murrine defaultly preinstalled, from long time), nowhere else yet..
dont know, anyway, maybe it runs on fedora.
This is so bad that it wraps all the way back to good!
Please read the answer above, try gnome-color-chooser there, and tell me a better oppinion about.
what you're saying is awesome, because if you have better suggestions for colour schemes, please send .gnomecc files to me (or upload here at, after testing on this theme - if these colour schemes from you are so awesome as you're saying, i'll replace these screenshots immediatelly! it's awesome being constantly learning more about colour harmony! thank you! :)
He is NOT providing the color schemes, he has modified the Ambiance theme so the colors can be adjusted properly, and not just as poorly as in the original Ambiance. Good Idea.
thanks, this were the main idea. the only problem is still colours i couldn't fix or replace, like on gtkrc (some buttons appears preselected, and some linked texts -but i hope fixing it soon, and even better if i could get some feedback from their original authors)
My eyeeees......
The colour choices are up to the users tastes, and the screenshots are only examples showing this possibility, which the original one lacks hardly (specially on Metacity and on the Panel) - this is a hack allowing a better gnome-color-chooser compatibility, not a theme with unchangeable colour scheme. It's extremelly using gnome-color-chooser there, and be welcome contributing with better colour schemes as .gnomecc files here at ! - please tell me a more sincere oppinion after trying it with gnome-color-chooser! :)