Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Gtk2 theme for: Xfxe4, Gnome2, Mate, E17, IceWm, OpenBox3, StandAlone Compiz, Fluxbox, etc.,
Engine=Pixmap, Mist
Includes: gtk2, IceWM, openbox3, xfwm4, xonclock.
Icons=Faenza http://tiheum.deviantart.com/art/Faenza-Icons-173323228
Font=Roboto, designed by Google, get all 16 styles here at:
October 29, 2014 changes:
Screenshots all of the new look.
Added in to the default config of gtkrc
option and check boxes.
Also, flat_box used to draw a box, over the entire window and inactive (detailed) window lists.
Changed the x,y on the spin button
to increase size.
Changed the active and normal bg of the entries.
Changed the color of prelight range sliders.
Changed the color of active option and
check boxes.
Added a couple more Xonclock pngs.
Changed IceWm theme from flat to pixmap,
redo of all taskbar buttons.
Added some more detail to bottom of
buttons, to give a little more pop.
Changed the treeview odd-even pngs
(folder sidebar) for a better themed
October 22, 2014 changes:
Buttons redesigned
Complete Menu change
Range sliders changed
Menu item button change
Tree item button change and
tree config change
entry active bg change
IceWm theme redesign
Xonclock theme added
December 17, 2013 changes:
Kept the main colors- everything else
has changed. Changed theme engine,
Murrine to pixmap/mist.
start/menu icon (tree bulbs), I have placed it at ~/Cranberry/gtk-2.0/Panel folder. Placed a Vertical panel folder
there as well, for those of you who use
a vertical panel.
Ratings & Comments
I'd really love to have this theme in Gtk3 so I could use it in Gnome. Great work I love it!
Is awesome to have someone that can actually master gtk2.0! You sir, have definitely mastered it! I love it! I feel terrible as I did download it days back but finally had the chance to try it today! I am a fool not to have tried it immediately!!! Absolutely stunning and beautiful! Thanks! Please, keep up this great work we all need great themes and awesome new ideas as this!!!!
Thanks Bob, Your comment made my day. I have noticed your work with gtk3. You seem to be one of the few artists' in that style, that realize what theming is about, colors, styles, pushing at the seams. I respect that.
Very nice I will use it come xmas but how about a 'light' version this is a bit dark. BTW where is that wallpaper I love it.
Thanks Keith, I'll see what I can do. I am trying to bring all my themes current and tweaking them along the way. That wallpaper is called, "Where the heart is" by Thomas Kincade. here is the link: http://abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/166968/ If you place " thomas kincade" in the search box @ desktopnexus.com , I know you will enjoy show and come away with more than one. He is the master of painting, I hope you have a fast internet conection, as there are over 56 search pages. Not all his work as it is a generalized search, but most are.
Thanks for the link got some nice stuff there! Shameless plug:http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Xmas+Theme?content=91209
great work,masterful images,love your work