base from the Nuvola theme and Nuvola-Olive

=== Welcome in the wonderful world of Nuvola Yellow gtk2 Themes ===
Bring color on your Desktop.
Nuvola-Yellow - "Yellow like the sun"

Nuvola-Yellow is:
* simple
* small
* fast
On this Time. i have a trip on Grey colors :-)
= index.Theme entry date 2007-07-28 =
Icons: gTango
* From igancuhz! Thanx for the good Work
MetaCity: MetaGrip
* From joananton! Thanx for the good Work.
have you Problems with to big panel and/or menu. then edit gtkc and motified xthickness and ythickness Style Flag!
.10, 10 ist too big ;-)
A good smal parameter ist 3,3 oder 2,2 .testing :-)
cu Richard
Ratings & Comments
i cannot find "MetaGrip ". The link leads to : Content not found.i have tried to search with google ..but nothing found. could you help me , please ? thanks !!!
well done! however, i personally simply do not like it ,-) that's why i did not vote at all.. but keep it up ,-)! greetingzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i like the shiny yellow, but i think, the darker yellow doesn't fit. if you would use a brighter and better fitting color for that, i will give you a good vote for sure.
nice home icon! where i can download it?
This Icon Theme found in Sladf Theme Pack: This is a complett packet Download and extract icon.tar,gz in your icon Folder. Nice work from "siliconjoec" cu Richard
sorry but i didn't find yuor HOME (at desktop) icon in Sladf icon theme!
No problem *fg* you found home icon under: [icon theme folder]/Sladf/scalable/places/folder_home.png ok? cu Richard
i'm understand where is home folder icon! but it looks different with yours! see my screenshot please share yours in the interenet or you can upload in to my (folder incoming shared for upload only, others commands (list, chmod and eth) disabled)
Now I understand! I think it give 2 versions of Slafd icons. Difference in the Home_Home.png. Version 1 ((I have) from 24 August) version 2 of 2 Septembers (you have) I send you the Home icon. Also sladf icon the version which I down-loaded at that time. Ok one Greeting Richard translate german to English with babelfish ---Orginal German text---- Jetzt verstehe ich! ich denke es gibt 2 versionen von Slafd icons. Unterschied im Home_Home.png. Version 1 ((habe ich) vom 24. August) Version 2 vom 2 September (hast du) ich sende dir das Home icon zu. Auch die sladf icon version die ich damals runtergeladen habe. Ok Gruss Richard
Home Icon was high-loaded to you and the Sladf icon themen in addition. I hope it now am correct. If or it is not missing which, then please announces. Greeting Richard (Translate with bable fish) ------Orginal German verion------ Home Icon wurde zu dir hochgeladen und das Sladf icon Themen dazu. Ich hoffe es ist jetzt in ordnung. Falls nicht oder es fehlt was, dann bitte melden. Gruss Richard
Thanks a lot! (Sorry but i know only Russian and English (a little)) Good luck!
your wallpapers look beautiful. where could I find and download them?
Hi, i found this Wallpaper on: nice.... :-) cu Richard
I like the color theme quite a lot, but why don't you create a yellow variation of something more... modern? Like Murrina or Clearlooks or Ubuntulooks?
Nuvola, because with personally in former times the olive fell version and I wanted times yellow as Theme color. I make still another a Murrina, a Clearlooks or Ubuntulooks Theme clear, but my time became unfortunately very limited. If I begin it again wiede walked for walked provide to I this modern technically understood. (Translate with babelfish, sorry) Lg Richard ---Orginal german Version---- Nuvola deshalb, weil mir persönlich früher die Olive version gefallen hat und ich mal Gelb als Theme-Farbe wollte. Klar mache ich noch eine Murrina, Clearlooks oder Ubuntulooks Theme, aber meine zeit ist leider sehr knapp geworden. Wenn ich neu Anfange wird es wieder ein schritt für schritt erstellen bis ich diese moderne technisch verstanden habe..
Sunny, warm. I don't understand why it's only at 38%, I think people should base their voting more on quality than personal tastes. Nice job!
Quality depends on personal taste, in a place like this. I for one don't like the size of objects, and I don't find the color particularly aesthetically pleasing to work with or around.
It think it's because yellow is a difficult color for a lot of people. Look at how few yellow cars are sold for instance.
Although it's not to my liking I will not vote it down. I never vote anything down because of personal taste, only if it's indecent, has nothing to do with Gnome/Gnu-Linux or is a blatant rip-off of someone else's work without giving credit. If the author likes his work then that's enough for me. On the other hand, if I do like it I will vote it up to show appreciation.
Unfortunately my English is so good and has it despite "babel Fish" translator not completely understood which you me to say wanted. It can be which you means: ideas Rip find good you only if the Orginalautor its OK to gives in addition? (Translat german to babel-fish) sorry LG Richard
To INFO: here orginal German Text from me. "Leider ist mein English nicht so gut und habe es trotz "babel-Fish" Translator nicht ganz verstanden was du mir sagen wolltest. Kann es sein das du meinst: ideen klau findest du nur gut, wenn der Orginalautor sein OK dazu gibt? LG Richard"
Nein. Er haßt Ideenklau ohne die Erlaubnis oder die Erwähnung des Original Autors.
Vielen Dank für die Übersetzung, die Erwähnung des Orginalautor dürfte kein Problem sein. Gruss Richard --schnipp---- (David Vignoni ( ICON KING - add licentext und Naming of orginal Nuvola Autor to source.
Hello. I was not speaking about your work. I was speaking in general. The important word was "if" :-) Perhaps the other German speaker could tranlate this for me. Thanks. Wayne
If the original author gives permission and/or is given credit for his/her original work then there is no problem but just copying and changing a few colours and calling the work your own is bad. Sorry, I speak Japanese but not German.