ultimate-edition-theme pack

GTK2 Themes

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Where to start? First off this is no small package, bigger then some O/S's, so a high speed connection is a must. Did I create these themes / wallpapers etc. no not all of them, all I have done is package them into a nice convenient Debian file (top themes released here as GPL) On to the brass tacks...

Release Name: Ultimate Edition Theme Pack
O/S's Supported: Hardy+ x86 & x64 UE 1.8+ (Debian untested)
Version: 0.0.4
Architecture supported: x64 / x86
File size: 399.7 MB (419,097,724 bytes)
Size installed: 723,800,000 bytes
MD5SUM: 23299523866413537d546ea5ba91b75e

3 Ultimate Edition usplashes (18 - 32 bit autodetects architecture)
34 Wallpapers
14 GDM logins
27 Icon sets
102 GTK / Metacity themes
49 Emerald themes
5 Cursor sets
2 Sound schemes

There is 1,927,028,880 different combinations, pretty crazy huh.

Starting in 0.0.5 release I will be adding KDE customizations...

I respect the GPL licenses if anyone here would like me to remove their theme / wallpaper etc. I will be glad to oblige. Your licenses / readme etc is in your perspective folder. I did however delete everyones ~ files (these are hidden backup files to clean up the deb)

I want all to understand, so I will take extra time I do not have, this is the top themes released here wallpapers, icons, usplashes, they are released GPL. This allows me to modify if I so desire not that I have to as a necessity. I could maybe next release provide kudos perhaps a centralized give credits, yes I can do that as well. I am attempting to bring the world together even if it is 1 step at a time.

I have tested the deb in a plain jane install of hardy as well as Ultimate Edition 1.8+ and works perfectly, those that have problems are mostly because you have manually installed theme "A" and theme "A" is included in the deb... I suggest on failure if it does happen to view what I call the homepage link as presented.

To see the true power of this package it is best to install Hardy or better and immediately install this deb. Yes I have tested it in Jaunty

-6 release supersedes all releases, so installing -4 -5 is unnecessary. Don't kill one of my servers.

Comments good or bad are appreciated.

Not happy? sudo apt-get remove --purge ultimate-edition-themes

-7 release, if I have time / ability, perhaps KDE4 integration & of course the latest & greatest. I will have to monitor my bandwidth. Terabytes is how I roll, don't make it exobytes


Last changelog:

0.0.7 - Why I bother, you guys have slammed me to 48%, I don't know. Terabytes you guys have sucked off my server, why again? Enjoy I made 0 of them. And do so for free. Do you think it is free for me to do so?
0.0.6 - Tons of additions did I mention it is over a gig of themes, etc once installed. Control file has been fixed, to allow overwriting of other UE Theme packs, so you essentially can install all of them. Change your theme every day until you die Changed homepage so you do not need an acct to view it (was logged in as admin when I set it)

0.0.5 - Gnome: Added 10 new wallpapers, 1 GDM Login, 7 Icon sets.

KDE Customizations: 44 wallpapers, 1 color scheme, 1 kicker tile, 54 tillable kicker wallpapers,

0.0.4 - Initial Public Release

Ratings & Comments





Your work rocks. I love everything you and your friends have worked so hard on. I only wish I had the talent you do. Thanks for sharing your wonderful works of art.


It did what my subject says.. I had to completely rewrite my Xorg.conf. It took out all my custom settings, my SLI, refresh rate, etc... I voted down on this. Thoughtful, but something this big shouldn't be filled with so many bugs.


I don't have all the themes in one of your previews. Some of the themes says requires gtk+ theme engines...how do i get those? Others say needs certain icon themes. My human theme is gone too :(


You do know who i am? This is not top priority to me. I can make you famous or is it infamous ;)


I installed the package, didn't like the themes, icons, backgrounds, etc. (That's not your fault, just my opinion.) I removed the package via Synaptic and now my usplash is all messed up, volume doesn't work and I cannot access my other connected hard drives (that I back up my stuff on). I'm just telling people to be careful... now I am in for a long day of troubleshooting and possibly reinstalling.


go away with you ubuntu only stuff


I have fixed all versions including -4 initial release. None are now necessary, -6 will overwrite all themes in -4 & -5 respectively so all is necessary is -6. I won't lie it is really huge & is off the proverbial hook when it comes to themes etc. It does not include UE theme packs, so they will have to be installed separately.


The deb file is damaged


Please take the time & review this page in its entirety http://forumubuntusoftware.info/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1670&p=16457


I'm having trouble installing the package. I get this error: dpkg: error processing *location of .deb file* (--install) also after that it says trying to overwrite something. and finally says dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe) I can send the whole thing if you need more details. The thing it is trying to overwrite is a theme in my usr/share directory. It's the Blended theme that i deleted in hopes that it would install correctly.


I extracted the .deb and installed manually. Worked fine but would have rather used the package.


holy crap is this like every theme ever? btw, I could use a gentleman of your talents on the elementary project. It'd be awesome to be able to just push out one .deb file.


Far from it, just the best (GPL anyways). The reason this entire package happens, people say I do not like the dark theme etc, I fix it all in one motion. Once you see it you will understand, just like Burger King you will have it your way. I will however have to watch my bandwidth 3TB does not go far when dealing with a package of that size.


I did not catch that, till just now... I have your Icon set included in the deb 1.9 at the time and love it btw. Entire theme is nothing for me to build into 0.0.5's release, would you like that?

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version 0.0.7
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
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