Following the same way my other themes also do, Hybridity =), is mixing several engines, and contains NO PIXMAPS.
Thats why Im sure youre going to ask me whose engine is needed for dawing these scrollbars, and then how could you compile it, etc... DONT WORRY ! There is almost nothing to do.
Youll simply need :
First, the famous Murrine engine (Im sure you have already installed it, its so simple in many distros), for drawing the checkboxes and radio buttons.
Second, the famous Clearlooks engine (which is brought by default in Gnome) for drawing the notebook (tabs) and the scales.
Third, youll need the Nodoka engine for the progressbars. Its Fedoras default theme and engine, but its available in many distros too.
And forth, and its, youll understand, the most important, youll need the Xfce engine (Its a gtk engine, dont you know !), and its available in many distros too, juste search gtk2-engines-xfce in your favorite package manager.
To finish, I would tell you that I wanted to create an new fresh concept, my work is not finished yet, I think that youll maybe dislike it, I know, Xfce engine could remind you some Wind**s Luna themes (but this one was not so ugly, wasnt it ?

In future releases, this theme will be available with some specific color variations, another version in which you will be able to customize these colors the way you like in the gnome-appearence-properties, and also some changes to look a little bit better.
Feel free to share, modify, comment... At this time my code is quite messy, its still a beta release ! ^^
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