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The complete Mac4Lin v1.0 Pack. Download here.

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10 10 the best


The buttons don't stay on the left side under Ubuntu 10.10 after changing themes using either manual install procedures or the automatic file. The does a poor job reverting all of your settings. It made Icon with text as a default for Rhythmbox icons, and added icons to many menus across my entire system (Icons under System, Icons on Menu Bar menus). Great idea, poor setting retention, poor uninstallation script. I'm sorry, I'm going to have to vote negative.


My radio buttons r on the right instead of the left. How do I get them on the left side? Thx and Great Job


I don't seem to get you. Do you mean the Close, Min, Max buttons? If so then they are not the radio buttons. To change their position refer to the Mac4Lin Documentation here:


I'm not really a fan of mac and I downloaded it just to see how it looked. but when I uninstall it and switch themes the close button is still on the left. How do I switch it back?


How did you uninstall it? You need to run the uninstall script which will set everything right.


I tried just double-clicking on it and clicking "run" and then it didn't do anything... but then I tried clicking "run in terminal" and that worked. Thanks anyway.


@emily I'd be more than happy to join you in writing an engine if you haf the knowhow. I'm ready to contribute in whatever way I can. And thanks for the edition. I will haf a look at it and integrate it if everything goes well! @shankru85 Thank you :)


This is an awesome pack and something that I had been looking for.. Thanks. This is the one that comes really closest to macos look. Keep up the good work.


I like the theme, but there too many ways in which it could be improved for me to give it a mark of good right away, so I shall reserve my voting for now. Now I am not going to say this without giving my ideas on how it could be improved, so here it goes. 1) Tabs - The tabs in the Firefox theme are a brilliant reproduction of how they look in OS X. However, the tabs from the GTK theme are quite lack-lustre and leave a lot to be desired. If at all possible, if you could make the tabs in the GTK theme look the same as in the Firefox theme, that would be amazing. 2) Navigation Buttons - Same sort of issue to me. The navigation buttons in Firefox look great and emulate Mac OS X very well, whereas the buttons in the GTK theme have a sunken background rather than a light prelight which makes them look non-OSX-like and quite bad. If you could make those like in the Firefox theme, that would be brilliant. Some other dislikes are that the close button in Nautilus on the Places pane highlights with an aqua background rather than the button's x just highlighting, there are grey artifacts around the menu arrows when they are highlighted and there are grey artifacts around the edges of the location bar in Nautilus. There are also white artifacts around the checked check boxes. Lastly, the top of scroll buttons in the GTK theme do not highlight completely. I will work on some of these improvements (likely the small stuff such as the artifacts around images), and post what I do in comments here. Good luck with making any improvements which are possible. Cheers. =]


I agree on the smaller details which are a bit hard to reproduce exactly as in Mac OS X. About the tabs issue, GTK doesn't permit centrally aligned tabs and about the artifacts, they can surely be corrected.


Fair enough on the tabs an such. Was not sure if that was possible, but was putting it out there. Here is some work I have done on cleaning things up. Specifically I removed the rough white border from the ticked box images, the white artifact-like endings from the range bar images and the non-matching grey corners from the text, text-nautilus and etc images. I was unable to get the menu arrows smoothed out as I would have liked due to limited time (was working on this during uni classes lol), however, but I will work on that next unless you get to it first. Overall the theme is great, so I am going to revoke my original sentiment and give it a good instead of being too picky about small details which can be fixed. Also, I was thinking earlier about possibly getting more flexibility from writing an engine rather than a theme, but I am not certain about the capabilities of GTK engines. If we could and the community shows interest, I would not mind in helping code an OS X theme engine for GTK. Cheers. =]


@Thanks to everybody for their support. If you vote down then do leave a comment as to what made you do so. This will help me in bettering Mac4Lin. As of 'undo'ing, just run the Mac4Lin Uninstall script and everything will be uninstalled and reset to default.


It's a funny stuff to simulate a Apple-OS on a Linux-PC. Thanks this package the transformation goes quickly and simple. Please but put a script in this package for redo all the changes to default. ;-) Cheers


...creatin a complete pack is hard work...and you made it really good don´t know why people votin you down without a constructive comment voted good!


Superb! Voting right now.

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