Description: Was tired of my normal themes with grey/beige/black window decorations so I thought I'd try to make something different. This theme was made to look like this wallpaper changelog:
Hooray, I love the OpenWorld icons! They've been around forever, and I keep going back to them. You can't improve on perfection. :) And your theme looks nice with them.
But it would be really nice if you included a screenshot of the widget factory so people have a better idea of what your theme is about.
Since i have no idea what distro you're using i'll just let you know the widget factory comes in the package (in ubuntu and debian) thewidgetfactory (surprise surprise) and you have to run it from the terminal, just use the command "twf", it doesn't need any options or anything, I personally got sick of popping open an *extra* terminal just to launch the widget factory so i created a launcher on my desktop to launch it.
I've never actually used widget factory, and I use Slackware, I don't think it comes with Gwf, nor does it come with the gnome dependencies that Gwf requires. I always did these by hand.
Ratings & Comments
Hooray, I love the OpenWorld icons! They've been around forever, and I keep going back to them. You can't improve on perfection. :) And your theme looks nice with them.
What's the window border theme? Cygoku
XFCE's Alternate, it is one of the themes that comes with it
hi, very nice theme, but I got two questions. what is the emerald theme you are using here? and where can I find the icons and the wallpaper?
Erin has mentioned the wallpaper already Dan! she has posted the link already as well! neway here it is again!
The icons are OpenWorld, I think i got them from, theres also a firefox theme for that icon theme
That's a gud one Erin! one question tho? r u the same Erin from Debian Project? ur fantastic!
nope, I don't even use Debian lol, I'm a Slackware user
But it would be really nice if you included a screenshot of the widget factory so people have a better idea of what your theme is about. Since i have no idea what distro you're using i'll just let you know the widget factory comes in the package (in ubuntu and debian) thewidgetfactory (surprise surprise) and you have to run it from the terminal, just use the command "twf", it doesn't need any options or anything, I personally got sick of popping open an *extra* terminal just to launch the widget factory so i created a launcher on my desktop to launch it.
I've never actually used widget factory, and I use Slackware, I don't think it comes with Gwf, nor does it come with the gnome dependencies that Gwf requires. I always did these by hand.