
GTK2 Themes

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This is a modification of SkiesOfAzel's great theme imetal. I changed the button and made it a little bit gray.

All credits go to SkiesOfAzel.

Also thanks to Cristian Grada for his immx theme. I borrowed some idea from that too.


There are two gtk themes and four metacity themes in the package.I recommend to use black and white icon theme with imetal mod gray and use a mac like icon theme with imetal mod color as I did in the screen shot.

Please unzip(unzip ***.zip) the download file before installation. Then extact the tar.gz file(tar xfvz imetal mod.tar.gz), then copy the theme folder to /home/yourname/.theme/. Or you can use Appearance Preferences(System-Preference-Appearance) to install the theme.

Recommend to use iFoxMetal or Foxdie theme for firefox with Hide Menubar plugin.

I recommend to turn OFF the windows border transparency in compiz fusion. To do it, go to the gnome configuration editor(Sytstem Tools-Configuration Editor or type gconf-editor in terminal). Then modify the opacity value in /apps/gwd/metacity_theme_opacity.

The screeshots are in low quality due the size limit of gnome-look.
Last changelog:

Dec 13 minor color changes in both gtk and metacity

Dec 20 metacity improved. minor color change in gtk.

Dec 30 Changed one icon. The log out/shut down dialog bug is now fixed(thanks to krig's steel theme).Also Minor color change in the menu bar.

Mar 08 Fix a bug in gtk file. Add a new theme imetal_Mod_color(Thanks to mac4lin project owner's kindness).

May 01 Fix the "theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme engine " is not installed" bug. A color change too.

May 08 Changed the white arrow in menu.Also changed the menu and imetal mod color metacity.

May 13 Now the imetalMod is called imetal mod gray. Redesigned the menu and metacity. Added two more metacity and one color changed in imetal mod gray. Please read the instruction to get the same effect in the screen shot.

Ratings & Comments



A good variation with credit given to the original author. Skies did great work and his themes are a resource legacy for people learning how to make custom themes. Nice to see I am not the only one who prefers something that is not murrine engine based.


Thanks. The original work is outstanding. This theme is not finished. I plan to give more minus update if time allowed.


It's nice. Like that, too. But I think iconrc should be turned off as default. The next is the little arrow in the menu. It's good. But if you are over it the arrow is converted in a ugly white one... and I don't mean that the white is ugly. ;) This on a murrine-engine would be great, too. cheers


Thanks for the feedback. I will work on that. Something needs a totally redesign.Too bad, I will be super busy next few months. By the way, I just don't like murrine at all personally.So I will stick to pixmap.




Thank you very much.


it's a great theme, but there's one thing I think it's not quite right, the menu button in metacity, it looks like a square around the button


Thanks. Yes, I noticed that too. I will work on it when I get some time.


Nice work, and grats to Skies to. hope theres coming a fix for Firefox. Kind Regards MikeDK


Thanks. It's great to have some feedback. I don't have any problem about the firefox.Maybe it is just because I am using iceweasel. So there will be a slim chance for me to fix this problem.

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version 0.7
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