Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
had a idea of changing the notebook and active
tab and it snowballed into avalanche of
Pixmap & Mist engines
Gtk2 theme, Openbox3 theme, IceWM theme,
Wallpaper Idea, Special thanks to: heatshedfogphase @
Jan. 28, 2012 updates: Screens 1&2 IceWM
Screen 3 openbox
Been around the horn, trying out different window managers... Stand alone Compiz, E17, my old rock
openbox, but when I really gave IceWm a serious
try... I was hooked on its simplicity, looks, configurations.
Added IceWm theme
added font DidactGoth.ttf to IceWm folder
entry color
text-entry.png rework
spinentry-border settings (fix for qt apps) ie. vlc, hp toolbox
new notebook background with active tab match
background tabs lightened (for clarity)
bg color and base color changed (another fix for qt apps) and mozilla
handlebar and handle (separator) redone better app look
shadow entry recolored for less contrast
gtkrc updated and cleaned and straightened
bg pixmap tinted to a slightly bluer gray
insensitive arrows lighter shade of gray
panel bg darkened and also added transparent panel
button-prelight.png darkened & tinted
treeitem.png deepened & darkened
even/odd row colors changed
April 07, Changes: Screenshot 1 shows updates, if you do not see, a crafted
city seascape, please refresh your browser.
If you enjoy this wallpaper, it can be found here at:
Redifined and recolored, slider pre-light grip... yet again, softer colors and outlining.
Redo of status grip to match color , made the arrows here inny, outy one of those mistake things that turned out
Learned something new, with complete redo of Range trough and sliders,
using overlay files on troughs and setting a larger xy size. Sliders on
apps like VLC look real nice now.
March 29, Changes:
New panel bg, and panel buttons
Redifined slider prelight grip
New status grip
Wallpaper, removed apple icon... added web browser icon using gimp
Openbox 3 theme.
March 10, Changes :
New listheaders and treeview
New progressbar
Removed Scrollbar slider prelight
added New Scrollbar slider prelight grip to reg slider for mouseover
Recolorized active tab to match theme
New Selected fg color
New Button Color for Mines
Cleaned gtkrc up a bit
Ratings & Comments
Really nice finish, floated and broomed.
Thanks Dax, I see you know your construction trades.
I mean this http://www.dodaj.rs/f/13/q5/3hIVece0/2011-03-11-225845234x100.png
Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words. A fellow Arch user? You will love this script, it does all kinds of helpful and just plain cool things when doing your updates or downloads in your terminal using pacman. This was included by WiLL X TrEmE in his archbang download at distrowatch. ~/.bashrc #PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ ' PS1="\e[01;31m┌─[\e[01;35m\u\e[01;31m]──[\e[00;37m${HOSTNAME%%.*}\e[01;32m]:\w$\e[01;31m\n\e[01;31m└──\e[01;36m>>\e[00m" alias ls='ls --color=auto' archbey -c red
Thanks x)
Can you paste your PS1 (prompt color)???
I am making a guess, you want the wallpaper or desktop bg picture link? I found it at ...... http://nature.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/340790/ If this is not what you meant, you will have to explain further.
Nice to see some new (Unique) themes coming out ! Voted^ and using it now !! Thanks for Sharing And KUDOS My friend ! Hope to see some more !
Thanks John, What a coincidence, I am using it right now too!