Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Thanks again for your help :) I was edited the blue color in this theme, and make it looks like clear-look theme, and I can send it to you if you want to take a look :) PS: English is not my mother language, so sorry for any mistakes..
Thank for your respond :) but I have two question if you don't mind :$ Could you tell us what the font you using in this great theme? And I hope if you can make a link for your window decorator theme :) Because I also using a mac osx and I like your metacity theme :) Thank you so much, and I'm sorry about asking you :$
The font is Myriad Pro. The window decorator/manager shown in the screenshot is Metacity, using the Blended theme (there is a link to it above).
Sorry for this confuse.. I was mean how do you make it like mac osx style? (close,minimize,and maximize in the left corner). Because I know how to do it with emerald, but I don't know how in metacity :S Thanks..
Oh! I see what you mean now. Open gconf (it's under Applications > System Tools > Configuration Editor, or type gconf-editor in the terminal to launch it) Then go to apps > metacity > general. You will see a key named "button_layout". Change the value of the key to this: close,minimize,maximize:menu