
GTK2 Themes

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A blue steel look

Gtk2 theme for: Xfxe4, Gnome2, Mate, E17, IceWm, OpenBox3, StandAlone Compiz, Fluxbox, etc.,

Engine=Pixmap, Mist

Includes: gtk2 theme, IceWM theme, Xfce4 theme, Openbox3 theme


MouseCursor=Comix Cursor original White Large Slim

Font=Roboto, designed by Google, get all 16 styles here at:

Wallpaper: A little early but still a favorite of mine.
Peaceful Christmas Village at

Tested in the latest Archlinux OS using icewm-1.3.7-3, xfce4-session-4.10.1-2, openbox-3.5.2-4
No gnome apps, No gtk3.

If you like the start/menu icon and are using a different panel/taskbar than IceWm,
for example: Xfce4panel, Lxdepanel etc. I have placed it at ~/ColdSteel/gtk-2.0/Panel folder.

Right click on your start/menu icon >Select > properties and link to above location to change your icon.

New to themes? create a folder, in your home directory ~/.themes
for example mine is /home/justus/.themes
the dot before themes means it is hidden and linked to /usr/share/themes
Can not find it? go to your file menubar, click View, click Show Hidden
Now, download your chosen theme, right click the downloaded file,
chose extract here, grab the extracted file and drop in your .themes folder.
Then open up your favorite appearance manager and select the newly installed
There are other ways to install themes but this is the best way!
It allows you to control or change parts of the theme without
going to root and possibly doing some harm to your file system.

You may also consider creating a folder called ~/.icons
where you can place downloaded icon themes and mouse cursor themes

And another folder callled ~/.fonts
where you can place downloaded fonts

Want to see more of my themes? Click on, Other Artwork from IamJustUs
across from the download button.

Right click on screenshots and open in new tab, to get a better view.
Last changelog:

Changes: October 2, 2013

Screenshot 1 shows update

Just some IceWm changes, I messed up and left a quotation mark out somewhere from my originial source.

Widowlist fixed, tooltip fixed, tab interface fixed,

changed menu selection to a gradient, changed menu separator to a gradient to better match gtk2 menu.

Changes: September 20, 2013

Screenshot1: Icewm session

Screenshot2: Openbox3 session

Screenshot3: Xfce4 session

Old look here at;

This was my first pixmap theme, time for some updates.

Added my chosen window enviroment Icewm

Added Xfce4wm ported from Icewm

Redo of Openbox3 to look similar, titlebar buttons are 20x20, if your buttons are cut off, use a larger titlebar font.

Almost a complete redo of the gtk2 theme;

New buttons

New scrollbar slider, new range slider and range trough

New scrollbar steppers

New arrows

Complete entry redo with focus accents and unfocused/inactive accents

New notebook and tabs

New Menu look

Redo of frozen bubble penguin, removed bubble, gave his feet some dimension and shadow.
If you don't like it crunch/comment the beginning lines like this starting at line 719.
#overlay_file = "Menu/menu-sticker.png"
#overlay_border = { 6, 6, 6, 6 }
#overlay_stretch = FALSE
of the gtkrc.

Changed bg color, selected bg color, selected fg color

Added complete button functions to default, gives better look with combo menu scroll selectors/buttons.

Added, widget_class "*XfceSystrayPlugin" style "panel" to panel.rc fixes system tray offset when not
using compositing.

Ratings & Comments



I really like this theme, so thank you for taking the time to create it and double thanks for sharing it. This is one of my favorites.


Great Anthony, It is nice to hear from you. The sharing, is what Linux is all about. And the free choice. And the diversity that gives us that choice.


I just noticed that Chromium Web browser does not update the screen shots, unless you open screenshots in new tab and then hit the refresh button. I tried hitting refresh first and it did update the thumbnails, but when clicking the thumbnail the old picture just comes up with no way to refresh it. This is not good when updating a theme and it is showing old screenshots. Firefox, however works like a dream no refresh needed. I guess I will have to post a warning when I update screenshots.


just downloaded the updated version, great job! Very cool. Using in dpup right now.


Thanks, I have a pup on usb that has pulled my fat out of the fire more than once.


what's the name of the icon theme? awesome theme by the way.


sorry.. i forgot xD what panel are you using?


Oh yeah, the panel I use. Lxpanel 0.5.6 It does all I want and more. easily configured by a quick right click. add/remove panel items position,size,alignment Appearance-use either system theme, solid color with opacity or your own prefered image.


thanks mate! by the way is there a way to take that sticker off the menus? i like the little dude xD but sometimes is hard to read what's on the menus. oh and thanks for telling me the name of the panel.. is there a way to make the clock fonts bigger. it looks small here. :( in general you got such an amazing theme. THANKS!


Removing the menu sticker is not hard, open the gtkrc file. search for... menu-sticker, comment out,# lines 391 and 392. If you want more specific details see ... A previous theme, I have done that someone had same request. scroll down to Re:Re: absee. Changing font size of clock on Lxpanel is very easy it is linked to your icon size. Right click panel, select panel settings on first tab, named Geometry increase Icon pixel size. You can also bold clock font by right clicking clock, select digital clock settings and check or uncheck bold font.


Icons are called Snow Sabre Black and can be found here:


In DPUP484b4, one only needs to comment-out the following line in the theme's gtkrc: #gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-large-toolbar=24,24:panel-menu=24,24" It then works flawlessly and of course looks splendid! Re:SLITAZ Yeah, in about a week, SLITAZ 3.0 should be done. I understand it will have Midori as the default browser, which is nice. I have the cooker version of 2-2010 installed now, both frugally and on a usb multi choice stick, but with firefox instead of netsurf.


Solved: I had coppied ~.gtkrc-2.0 to ~gtkrc.mine and so had an include line in there - commented out. The Gtk theme is now fully functional in Quirkylinux. Looks Great! Thanx.


Glad you got it all sorted out. I've found there are at least three different ways to come up with a computer fix and usually the last way seems to be the easiest and best. ha ha Hey, if you like Puppy you should try out Slitaz over at, I think it is only around a 30mb download and it really screams on my old IBM thinkpad.


This is great for openbox. In buntu, it outshines all the rest from the repositories. I finally got the GTK theme to work in ubuntu karmic as well. I don't know what finally got it working, but I tried to add gtkengines-pixbuff and failed, and this somehow straightend out the system. The older pixmap based gtk-themes now work in ubuntu. So I'm fully on ColdSteel now. You have a great artistic eye for the details! I'll try the gtk-theme again in the newer puppylinux's to see if I can get it to work there too.


Thanks, I had some similar problems when I switched from WattOS to Arch Lxde-openbox, very few themes worked, even after adding extra gtk-engines. Solved the problem by deleting most of the /usr/share/themes that came with the install. After that everything started behaving and looking great. I just love the stability and performance of openbox and the warm colors of gtk2.


Just slid the theme over from ubuntu partition to a running quirky linux010(puppylinux heritage), then selected with chtheme, and it is working. I should have done this sooner! Looks Great! The scrollbars are still using the stardust theme color but that will probably change after a restart.


Could you possibly port the OpenBox theme to Metacity? It fits much better than the one you provided, AND it would give more consistency to have OpenBox and Metacity look the same.


Bubi, Well, I can try, I don't have anything with metacity currently running on it. Anyway, here is my attempt. I didn't see any button pressed option in metacity. Openbox allows that, but you will at least have the mouse-over. Hopefully, it turns out good for you. Let me know if it does not look good, maybe we can make something better or maybe someonelse will have some pointers.


Seems like something is wrong. Now the Metacity theme doesn't appear in Gnome's theme manager. I mean, it is listed, but instead of a sample picture next to it, there is a question mark (?), and if I choose it, nothing happens... Like if there wasn't any theme, but was listed in the .themes folder... strange.


bubi, I looked over metacity again and found some inconsistencies. Changed all buttons to 20x20 pixels and changed the theme setting to reflect this. Found a rounded corner marked true, set it to false. I also looked over a couple other metacity files and found some other possibilities, if this fix does not work. I will update ColdSteel later today. Please let me know how this works for you. thanks


Nothing happened... It acts exactly the same as I already described above. I tried to look around other Metacity themes and compare them, but I can hardly conclude anything... Maybe one of these days I will finally push myself to read some documentation on theme creation.


nice i like your wallpaper


Thanks, sorry for the delay. I wanted to give the link, for the wallpaper, but the site was down for over a week doing some upgrades. So here is the link:

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