The goal was to move a little more away from MS Windows and more toward my own personal tastes. I hope you like it

Extract to /home/(username)/.themes
Select Shadowplay v2 from theme browser
Select Shadowplay v2 window border (openbox only)
1. GTK2 theme
2. Openbox theme
Background can be found here:
Ratings & Comments
Thanks for the theme, looks great! Just wondering if you could either add a link to or upload the icons you use in the screenshot? They look a lot better than the standard ones and harmonize well with the theme design. Also, I got the orbs png's from the v1, could also be a good idea to upload those here so everything is in one place. Thanks again!
Saw the theme liked it, then I installed into themes and went to LXDE desktop and change to it and nothing happened. Also tried on XFCE and same! Does it have to run on plain metacity or can it function with compiz? Theme is well done! I can only assume is something I am doing wrong so if you have any advice would really appreciate it! Very curious on working with gtk2.0 so we all can enjoy! Appreciate the fact you are working hard with it to get great effects!
It should be under "customize look and feel" in lxde, not sure about xfce. The theme is gtk2 so it should work for both. The window theme is openbox so no, you don't need metacity or compiz ;)
I did do that, so am suspecting something is not quite right with my gtk in this OS I put together. I tried another gtk2.0 theme and worked just fine, so just figured would ask if compiz could effect it as I absolutely love the shadow concept!!! Am just hoping you will never stop creating such brilliance! Will figure some way to get it going. Have a few strange quirks with my OS. Maybe one day will build one to perfection, of course this OS is just not it yet!
Because index.theme is missing.
Figures! Seems is always the small things that seem to trip me up! Have to give it a shot on this OS. Last OS I built had some trouble, so never figured any mistake was made on your part and always claimed I was at fault! Your work with gradients and coloring is great and something any true artist will always look at and enjoy! I just hope you will stay this great always! Themes as yours is what are true treasures on gnome-look!