Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Gtk2 theme for: Xfxe4, Gnome2, Mate, E17, IceWm, OpenBox3, StandAlone Compiz, Fluxbox, etc.,
Engine=Pixmap, Mist
Includes: gtk2 theme, IceWM theme, Xfce4 theme, xonclock theme
Please note: This is strictly a gtk2
theme. I do not use any gtk3 apps nor
do I have any gtk3 dependencies.
FYI: I am running ArchlinuxOS, in
a IceWM session. Occasionally, I run
Xfce4 session or Standalone Compiz.
Icons=Faenza http://tiheum.deviantart.com/art/Faenza-Icons-173323228
MouseCursor=Maya Serie , orange
Font=Roboto, designed by Google, get all 16 styles here at:
Wallpaper: Your choice... looks good with fall colors, mists, grasslands
If you like the start/menu icon and are using a different panel/taskbar than IceWm,
for example: Xfce4panel, Lxdepanel etc. I have placed it at ~/Sage/gtk-2.0/Panel folder
or many more options at ~/IceWm/Sage/taskbar/menu-logos folder.
Right click on your start/menu icon >Select > properties and link to above locations to change your icon.
New to themes? create a folder, in your home directory ~/.themes
for example mine is /home/justus/.themes
the dot before themes means it is hidden and linked to /usr/share/themes
Can not find it? go to your file menubar, click View, click Show Hidden
Now, download your chosen theme, right click the downloaded file,
chose extract here, grab the extracted file and drop in your .themes folder.
Then open up your favorite appearance manager and select the newly installed
There are other ways to install themes but this is the best way!
It allows you to control or change parts of the theme without
going to root and possibly doing some harm to your file system.
You may also consider creating a folder called ~/.icons
where you can place downloaded icon themes and mouse cursor themes
And another folder callled ~/.fonts
where you can place downloaded fonts
Want to see more of my themes? Click on, Other Artwork from IamJustUs
across from the download button.
Right click on screenshots and open in new tab, to get a better view.
Screenshot: 1 New look vs. old
Screenshot: 2 New look in Xfce
Screenshot: 3 New look in IceWM
Changes: October 5, 2014
Several panel changes,
new start menu pngs. One for IceWM, another for Xfce.
panel bg height increased to 42px
for xfce
fg text color changed for panel buttons.
IceWM Sage-Fresh window outer border
darkened. new start menu.
Couple new Xonclock themes.
Changes: September 5, 2014
changed colors of: bg_color, base_color, selected_bg_color, selected_fg_color
redraw of all arrows to resemble spin button arrows
changed prelight scrollbar slider, changed scrollbar troughs
added some elements to treeview-item to give distinct look for sidebars.
removed snow from buttons top corners
redo entry.png and shadow pngs, added active and normal bg
fattened range sliders
flipped notebook tabs around, darkened outlines, remade notebook to match new active tab.
new panel / taskbar image and panel button redraw
added xonclock theme and config file (does not play well with Desktop enviroments, for example... Gnome, Xfce4), however works fantastic with window managers.
added another IceWM theme- Sage-Fresh, larger titlebar, larger titlebar buttons, new taskbar
Added checkbox and radiobutton to default list, places these pixmap options in all menus.
Midori looks great with this theme
Firefox ver. 32 looks good, if you add "Classic Theme Restorer" extension
Ratings & Comments
Liked the look of this but the window borders are faulty in xfce4 see here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gb73o06fgikbyyb/pic.png Middle of top and bottom missing, tried with and without composite manager same result. will vote for this if it can be fixed
Keith, Looks like you got a corrupt download, the dropbox pic. is not even Sage but looks like a faulty Chi2 xfwm theme. I re-downloaded Sage, backed up my original and replaced with this version and there is no difference. I am in Xfce4.10 at this moment with no problems with or without compositing. If you want to wait a few days, I am porting over my latest IceWm theme Sage-Fresh with bigger title buttons, and I might make a change or two the old Sage xfwm theme. Plus, I have some gtk2 theme changes expressly for Xfce panel. If you have my Christmas theme Cranberry, try that xfwm theme, For a different look. Been busy trying to get things buttoned up for winter. I will try to work it in this weekend.
Ill try redownloading it, I have looked at cranberry ( ooh shamlessplugging by you ! ), but i prefer my own xmas theme http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Xmas+Theme?content=91209 ( shamlessplugging by me! )
This is real artwork. Is a pleasure to see such great work and hope you will never stop. Takes a lot of time to get colors looking so rich and vibrant. Believe me, I tried many times with pngs, svgs, to get it to look even half this great! Absolutely love it
Thanks Bob, You made my day! It has been a long rocky road, I finally feel comfortable using Gimp. Here is a little secret, I use gcolor2, in tandem with Gimp, using gcolor2; color picker helps me set Gimps colorize options. It is a real time saver and helps get the colors dead on. take care,
Looks very neat... Any chance of a GTK3 port?
Thank-you William, I do not have gtk3 installed, tried it once , did not like it. So, no gtk3 port from me, sorry. I have moved on or back some might say. Went to something simpler and more stable that does not require gtk3. I do not use Gnome 3 apps or KDE 4 apps. I use Xfce 4, gtk2 and qt apps. I was using Xfce 4 desktop, but now mainly use IceWm as my session manager. Heck I no longer use a login manager. With Archlinux as my Operating System and a 120 GB SS Drive, I go from boot screen > autologin > to my IceWm session in less than 7 seconds. Had to wait for Wicd network manager to catch up another 10 to 15 seconds until I found connman network manager, it is up and running before I can open my web browser. BTW, ubuntu 7.10 ? Gnome was my first, then I became a Distro hopper, many OS's later I have found a home with Arch. Likewise, with desktops and window managers I have run the gauntlet and IceWm just feels like home.