Just wanted to let you know that I think this is a great theme. Especially since you say you didn't want to hear issues about Firefox and it looks friggin' sweet on Firefox! Great job!!!
Keep up the great work and thanks,
Are you sure you have version 0.60? According to [url=http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=murrin&searchon=names&suite=hardy§ion=all]this site[/url], the Hardy version of the engine is still 0.53.1
the only way is to get the precompilet murrine engine from shiki colorizeme script, from gnome-look, i have murrineSVN repo added so yes i have the newest, and it dosnt work with the newest.
P.S. maybe you should link to colorizeme script shiki colors. the version is in the SVNfolder in that, thats the only way I ot it to work
kind regards MikeDK
Ratings & Comments
Just wanted to let you know that I think this is a great theme. Especially since you say you didn't want to hear issues about Firefox and it looks friggin' sweet on Firefox! Great job!!! Keep up the great work and thanks, Chrelad
hardy's svn murrine version dosnt make this theme work, dosnt quite make it for hardy users Kind regards MikeDK
Are you sure you have version 0.60? According to [url=http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=murrin&searchon=names&suite=hardy§ion=all]this site[/url], the Hardy version of the engine is still 0.53.1
the only way is to get the precompilet murrine engine from shiki colorizeme script, from gnome-look, i have murrineSVN repo added so yes i have the newest, and it dosnt work with the newest. P.S. maybe you should link to colorizeme script shiki colors. the version is in the SVNfolder in that, thats the only way I ot it to work kind regards MikeDK
other than that i gotta say, very nice made, looks very nice, really like the bottons