So... That's just a preview to show you what's coming next.

It will include if I find time to finish it :
Components Progress
1 | GTK Theme | [|||||||--] done...
2 | PekWM Theme | [|||||||||] done...
3 | Tint config ...
4 | + ... | Any suggestions ?
The screenshots shows tint as window task bar and conky at the top.
Comments and critics are more than welcome as usual

Ratings & Comments
I think it has a professional touch over the whole theme. Keep up the good work :)
Thanx a lot ;) That's exactly what I'm trying to achieve. If you're interested you can see my other works over there
This is shaping up beautifully. /izo\
Thanks for your support ;)
I don't like two things: the button borders and the scrollbar. The buttons don't blend because of that sort of "lip" or bevel around them, it takes away from the great sleek, flat look. Also I'm just not a fan of that scrollbar. Otherwise we're off to a great start!
I really appreciate you commented ... The point is that I don't want the buttons to blend in the background ;) In fact the whole theme was clean and flat, and I decided to give it a little metal touch. This slight 2 part gradient you see on the scrollbars and inactive tabs. When you make a skin, you can't just draw some squares and shapes, put ssome shadows, etc ... You have to think about the whole consistency, you have to feel its texture : Is it cold, warm, is it plastic or metal ? It's with a good experience I'm designing this theme, This is original, clean and easy on eyes , but.... you have to learn to appreciate it :) Looking at the rate, I can't help but thinking I'm adressing to the wrong public... :( I though this community needed something original (not engined), not ripped from anywhere. with professional graphics such as the Tango Project, or Element icon set. This theme is clean and can adapt to nearly any wallpaper, it won't kill your eyes, which makes it by definition a good theme... Sorry, I don't know what to say but by my standards these scrollbars are one of the best I've ever seen on GTK2. Anyway everybody has right to have his own tastes... Thanks for posting ! ;)