This theme is for users that migrated from window$ or users who likes look of M$ Window$ XP

Changed the link for Sources from iFolder to MegaUpload.
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Ratings & Comments
Please, update link!
Great work, colors look cool ! Can I use script in RadHat too ?
Progressbars in all three XP themes (Luna, Silver, & Royale) display incorrectly as empty with orange lines at the bottom on my system: Ubuntu 9.04 libgtk2.0-0 version 2.16.1-0ubuntu2 Thanks for the nostalgic theme!
Looks like a bug in GTK, on my Ubuntu only progressbars in Transmission are displayed like that, and others are ok.
Now I can install Ubuntu, and say that is WInows XP
Do whatever you want, but, in fact, this theme was not created to trick Windoze-users, as the Ubuntu2WinXP was not created to trick Linux users :)
M.b. you can make a netbook version of your theme? I think it will not be difficult, you need only to make windows decoration & a few other things a bit smaller.
Странно, предыдущий пост кудато делся( В общем, я хз как работать с темами метасити, а ту тему что у меня используется, делал не я)
It appears that the russian site you linked to has changed quite a bit. I don't know russian, but I can't follow your instructions either, since the four numbers you talked about are not there. What gives?
There will be a green digits and text field on the right of it. Type those digits in text fiela and click "Далее >>" below. On the next page you will see a "Ссылка для скачивания файла:" text and the download link.
If it is there, I can't see it. I only see an add for some online game.
Here, i re-uploaded it to MegaUpload.
Excuse me.. Where have you found those icons? I can't find any XP-like icon theme :(
I don't remember where did I get that icon theme xD If I'll find it in my archives I will mail it to you.
Can I have those too??
very well. I am working with the royale. soon it will draw.
Not sure why it gets vote down. I thought is quite well done.
Because people dont like M$ Windows and its look.
Good job on the theme, but next time, maybe save your screenshot in png? The jpg compression looks terrible.
This site sets some limits, like size of the screenshot. So I used compression.
Hi, you can remove the dotted lines (handles) in the panel by including something like this in the gtkrc file: Quote:
style "nohandles"
engine "pixmap"
function = HANDLE
recolorable = TRUE
overlay_file = "Handles/handle-v.png" #image must be transparent
overlay_stretch = FALSE
orientation = HORIZONTAL
function = HANDLE
recolorable = TRUE
overlay_file = "Handles/handle-h.png" #image must be transparent
overlay_stretch = FALSE
orientation = VERTICAL
class "*Panel*" style "nohandles"
regards, Kimmik (
Sry, but original XP has handles on panel (in unlocked mode (sry, i dont know english name of this action, because i own M$ WinXP Pro RU)). And unlocked mode is default. But, I will change my theme a bit. I will remove M$ Start Button, add Ubuntu Start Button and remove handles from panel. I will upload new version of my theme a little soon. (Sorry for my bad english i'm ukrainian)
Only deviation seems to be progress bars, which are more like Royal/Vista. You might have to omit the start button from the package to be able to call it GPL. Other than that what can I say. Your XP clone kicks my XP clone's butt! Awesome job.
Thats because my XP Clone was extracted from original XP :)
umm... my panel didn't became lunaish, it became pure white. Any info, on how to make it blue? (And maybe how to add the start button?) Thanks