I decided on making a fancy wintery GTK theme for my new desktop look. This is the result.Credits go to the creators of the following from which I borrowed colors: All of the Murrina "candy" themesMurrinaNeoGraphiterecommended window wecoration:Ordinary Blue Glass: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ordinary?content=127625You'll need the Murrine gtk engine and optionally the argb module and a compositing window manager for the transparency goodness.To get all the fancy transparency effects follow this guide to install the argb gtk module:http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/enable-rgba-transparency-in-ubuntu-910.htmlYou won't have to set anything in gnome-color-chooser; just install the argb module and set the theme.extract to /usr/share/themes or ~/.themes like any other gtk theme.enjoy!
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I have the transparency stuff working, have this theme enabled, and switched to the Ordinary Colors window border theme, but my title bar still has no transparency like your screenshot. What do I need to do to get a transparent title bar?