Description: amalgamation of engines. Ubuntulooks Clearlooks Glider & Smooth
I tried to make a cool non-pixmap theme. The panel uses a pixmap, but that's it.
-------- The colors can be changed to your liking via the gnome appearance manager if you don't like the default orange.At least the prelight colors. I haven't been able to make the smooth engine accept custom colors for its toolbar and menubar gradients yet.
Here's an alternate metacity that goes well with this theme.
Very cool, I'm so glad to see non-pixmap themes floating around, and if I had one (hopefully constructive) criticizm it's that it'd be cool to see more variation between the color variants besides the prelight color, like you could tint the bg[] colors slightly "in the direction of" the prelight color, in other words, make the theme with the green prelight have more green in it, and the same for the remainder of the themes. Great work though, cheers.
Opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one and they're all shitty...especially yours it seems. I've noticed a pattern in your comments: they're all either indifferent or degrading. If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all.
That being said, great theme for not using pixmaps!
Listen, if he doesn't like orange themes, he doesn't like orange themes! Besides, did he not have the courtesy to say "sorry, just my opinion"? I happen to like orange themes myself, but I'm well aware that they're not for everybody. Just what gives you the right to be so rude?
Ratings & Comments
Very cool, I'm so glad to see non-pixmap themes floating around, and if I had one (hopefully constructive) criticizm it's that it'd be cool to see more variation between the color variants besides the prelight color, like you could tint the bg[] colors slightly "in the direction of" the prelight color, in other words, make the theme with the green prelight have more green in it, and the same for the remainder of the themes. Great work though, cheers.
Ugh! Orange themes are so hideous. Sorry, just my opinion.
Opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one and they're all shitty...especially yours it seems. I've noticed a pattern in your comments: they're all either indifferent or degrading. If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all. That being said, great theme for not using pixmaps!
Listen, if he doesn't like orange themes, he doesn't like orange themes! Besides, did he not have the courtesy to say "sorry, just my opinion"? I happen to like orange themes myself, but I'm well aware that they're not for everybody. Just what gives you the right to be so rude?