Oranchelo is a colorful and beautiful icon pack for your desktop. desingned by my,

- flat design inspired by material-desing
- based on flat-remix,
- 512x512 resolution icons
- constant updates,
- More than 10000 icons
- published with the GPLv3.0 license

download the latest version from "Files", or from this link
you will get a compressed file in ".tar.gz", unzip in your HOME in the folder
If it does not exist, create it., in the KDE desktop environment the path is
with root you can unzip in
.try also oranchelo-beka.

oranchelo also has a version for android, I invite you to try if you wish.

If you like my job and you want to help me, invite me to a cafe. Here is a link so you can donate through PayPal if you wish:

donate to the platform is the best way to recognize my work and that of all the content creators of the platform, I invite you to donate, you can do it with only $ 15 dollars, in advance I thank you,
donate to opendesktop.
Ratings & Comments
2 2 really bad
10 10 the best
cant download
I tried it recently, and if I managed to download without any problem, try again
Wonderful! But there is one small detail. Several buttons (back, eject, etc) in Cinnamon are not showing correctly. This only occurs with the Oranchelo-Beka theme.
10 This is an excellent icon set. The Beka theme looks lovely with the Nord palette.
The link to the play store is broken. Could you fix it? I couldn't find the match in the play store searches either!
9 9 excellent
I love beka folder! it's the best.
10 I love this it is very different and good looking.
10 10 the best of best
How do you get the control center to pop-up from the side as we see 8 seconds into the video?
The Deepin operating system has this style of control center
There are some missing icons in Nautilus header, but cool package
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 very good
thanks, great job! :)
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best