Description: This is my second published xfwm4 theme. I have done this, because most of xfwm themes are "minimalistic", and I need something opposite - I have large resolution on a small screen, therefore I prefer to have large titlebar and buttons (they are easier to hit then ;-)).
This theme has a nice, glossy look, that will go with your GTK system colors!
Also - I was curious how the freshly added "prelight" feature works in XFCE 4.6.
I hope you'll like it :-)
Recommended fonts: Any font that is bold enough to look well with the outlines. I personally use "Arial Black" in size 11 (size may differ according to DPI settings)
Installation instructions: 1. Download the package 2. Unpack it into ~/.themes/ folder if only you are going to have this or into /usr/share/themes/ to make it system-wide visible. (Commands: "tar -xf 101925-Second.tar.gz ~/.themes" or "sudo tar -xf 101925-Second.tar.gz /usr/share/themes") 3. Done :-) - use your settings manager to select this themeLast changelog:
1.1.1 - Less dramatic outline color. Now title is slightly more readable.
Ratings & Comments
when I try to extract it, I get an error that it is not in gzip format.
Is tar format not tar.gz.
Oooops, sorry. I have fixed this now. :-)