Xmas Theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:This is just a bit of fun for the hols and is not meant to be a complete (or even very usable theme!)
Now with Xfwm4 content
Tweaked the panel and menbar colours.
Added Xfwm4 content
removed usplash
removed old theme
Added a Xmas Usplash
Added a control rsrc file not sure if I like it though
Changed the usplash link
Changed the gtk rsrc to be less eye watering
Updated links deleted usplash
Added oldy worldy varient
Icons now available
changed links to new website
Ratings & Comments
hi dear, this theme is somehow a good choce for Christmas. But as I use Gnome3, I cannot use it, because of the theme being gtk2. So my request would be, if you could upgrade it to gtk3 please?? This would be really helpful. Greetings Karmicbastler
Sorry but I don't use gnome 3 nor will I ever as I think it's probably the most awful piece of software I have ever seen, I use a hybrid xfce4 and gnome 2, but feel free to change the theme to run on gnome 3 and post it.
Maybe I should change the name to Marmite as people seem to either love it or hate it with nothing in between!
You better include a warning to epileptics...this theme is so bright and busy it may induce seizures!!!
I tried it out and the window border works fine but the window colors and controls don't look the same. Also I had to select it after installing, instead of it asking me if I wanted to apply it. The color for the window was a burnt yellow instead of the red background you show in your screenshot. I am in 8.10 if that makes any difference.
could be, i'm using 8.01 so u may have a different version of gtk. As for the "Apply now?" option i thought that was only for icon themes, at least I only seem to get that pop up when i install a new icon theme, if anyone knows a way to make this option come up on any theme please let me know
the screenshot is way out of date i'll upload another
LOL this theme is so ghetto I actually like it. the metacity bar doesn't look good with the rest of the window. Otherwise it's actually ok.
thanks ( i think! )
Hey, that's awesome! So innovative. I haven't seen such themes since times of Win98 colourshemes ;)
I havn't really spent a lot of time on this theme (specially the gtk part) and I won't put it on full time till nearer xmas but maybe the controls theme does need to be redone, if I get some time over the next few days ( i'm very busy at work) I'll see what I can do. In the mean time if you don't like the controls just select customize in the apperance prefs and select a new set of controls. (I just quickly customized the colours and swapped the red and the grenn and it does look much better)
A theme like this does show a good amount of skill, but not a whole lot of sense. I understand, "'tis the season" and all, but my god does that look gaudy :|. I applied the theme for about twenty seconds, and just couldn't keep using it (but then, my eyes are already sore from sunlight, so that's less a reflection on the theme than it sounds). Don't get me wrong - doing something like this with GTK really shows the power of the toolkit, but it shows no taste for design at all. I like your Fear and Mystery port, your Wood theme is good, and the Halloween one is great, but this has far too much red in it. It would have been better, probably, to make the dominant colour green, and do small touches with the red; green is much easier on the eyes.
I think I agree ( i did say in the change log that I wasn't sure if I liked the gtk theme) If you dont like the gtk part just select a different set of controls and keep the window border
thanks for the nice comments about my other themes
Impressed with your gtk theme skills. How long does something like this take you to create.
took about 6 hours for the metacity window borders and about half an hour for the gtk theme (its just a tweak of another theme)
Very bright, too busy...gaudy overall. Try toning it down a bit.
Very nice theme! You did a great job!
This year you got it too early. "There's two S's in Christmas, and they're both doallar signs." -- Stan Freberg in "Green Chri$tma$"
great idea!!