Old Brown Wood Theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
1st release into the wild.
Whoops! accidentally set stepper size to 0 now fixed - And no-one noticed?
Updated spin buttons
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Hello I meant the upper window bar where there are the buttons to close, maximize, title,etc
OK i'm with it now, I no longer use xfce, but I will try to fix it, to start off with can u tell me what version of xfce u r using and what version of xfwn4 u r using, i'll try and run this on VBox and get back to u.
just checked in Linux Mint ( I assume that's what u mean by LM ) 18.1 and it works fine, how/where are u installalling the files?
I took the compressed file and drag it into the "appearence" manager Window.
Hello , thank so much for your reply, here is the information Desktop: Xfce 4.12.3 (Gtk 2.24.28) Distro: Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia Kernel: 4.15.0-34-generic x86_64 (64 bit gcc: 5.4.0) , However I am sorry to say I don't know how to see which version of xfwn4 I have, I searched on google , but nothing clean came up, everything I found is related to xfce ( I am sorry , I am not a very advanced user) .
Sorry meant xfwm4, typo, anyway that's not important. Dragging the archibve on to the appearence settings window DOESN'T install the wm stuff, so yo need to install manually, like so: remove the OldBrownWood folder from ~/.themes unpack the archive ( use manager or cli :tar -xvf /path/to/downloaded/archive ) drag the unpacked OldBrownWood folder to ~/.themes. Some arcive guis surround the extracted folder in another folder, so you wnt the folder below that ie the one called OldBrownWood cotainig the index.theme file. Let me know if this helps.
It helped!!! thank you so very much for your kidness!! and thank you for this BEAUTIFUL! theme. Please let me know where I could find the wallpaper you used in the pictures above.
Glad to help. The wallpaper is a tiled pattern, can't remember where I found it but I have put it in my dropox you can get it from here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fl2312cnz4p2cg0/pat.png?dl=0 Also a brown one ( the original ) here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b0g2lcjy0x5xwl4/wood125.jpg?dl=0 All my themes etc can be here: http://khapplications.freeddns.org/index.html
thank you so very much, this wood theme it's been underrated... or maybe people don't take time to vote or thanks.
a lot of people ( myself included ) abandoned this site and it's sister sites some years back when they revamped them and tried to make them more commercial, it's now quite awkward to update content/links etc. But thx for the kind words.
I understand, here you have some other wallpapers, (taken from God knows where) that goes fine with your work. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f50rffjanb7lcsx/AAALGUFOKZsDc0e-zCCPIYGca?dl=0
thx for the wallpapers, site wont let me put this under your post, crappy site.
Very beautiful theme!! thank you !!!. I have just discovered it. I am under LM 18.3 xfce, however I cannot get the windows bar to work, it doesn't show. Not even by changing windows mannager settings options in desktop settings. Any suggestions?
Not too sure what you mean by the "windows bar", can u explain a bit more. Do you mean the panel?
Looks so antique! Love it!! Thanks a lot !!