Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
Muchas gracias amigo, me gustan los temas Dark :P Very Thanks my friend, i like Dark themes :P Greeting :D PD: Install Xubuntu Karmic Koala, now I got to understand I'm used to Ubuntu ... but take the switch to XFCE decicion: P
hey arialis! i just wanted to complement you on your excellent port of nooto. this is such an elegant theme. also very kind of you to include the panel.rc! (even though i would prefer the panel to use the aurora theme as well, i'm not really a fan of mixing engines) so thanks for all the great ports you've delivered over time here. and one more note: now that xfce 4.6 is out and xfwm4 has the additional prelight-feature so it would be great if you would include those in your theme/s. (basically it works like the rest of the button states, so e.g. "close-prelight.png" would be one...) that's it for now, ochosi
Thank you for kind words. I really appreciate it. I included fixed panel.rc because for many poeople, especially new users, it is difficult to edit gtk code and I prefere skined panel. It looks a way better than normal. Actually I'm using new xfce4.6 but I didn't know about this new feature. I'll consider addin' it to my themes. Thanks fot the tip :) Cheers.
anyways, one more great thing would be if there was a matching emerald theme. unfortunately i've never done that before and it seems quite a bit different from creating xfwm4-themes. still would be great if someone tried...
i added prelight buttons for myself, rather smooth effect, nothing too fancy, but at least it picks up the main color of the corresponding theme. if you're interested i can pm you a link or something.
Sorry for late answer. I think that you should upload it there as a new artwork so that everyone can use it.