please visit official Enlightenment forum to get the theme and post your comments:
I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused.
P.S. 'download' link will bring you to the forum page. Don't even bother to press it

Ratings & Comments
I'd highly appreciate any bug-report or just point me to any part of the theme which require improvements. Thanks.
Just beautiful! I'm using it right now. I have a problem with the MPD module. When I place the curson on the shelf the mpd controls appear, but when trying to click on any button the mini-windows just disappears... Thanks!
Huge THANKS! I made custom controls just after module was released in E-cvs. Looks like the behavior of a popup section changed since (imho - may be because author decided to put controls on shelf instead of popup). I wrote a letter to the author to help me find a proper way of using mpdule module (because I even can't resize it to get access to all controls or just to increase the length of displayed text). Just didn't notice this due to usage of Emphasis or Gmpc (gtk theme - Aurora) :))). My Best Regards, sda
Guys! Need your help... Please take a look at the new border 'shaped_v1' and tell me if it's o'k to adjust all others in the way like this one change it's color depending on the state of the window. Huge THANKS!
thanks a lot sda for giving us the most beautiful looking e17 theme ever. With 23Oz e17 becomes even better!
Couple of things Ive spotted, 1. Desktop icons need a data { item: "shaped" "1" } put in the group 2. Left and side border doesnt like to be shaded. Just shade a window then look at the left side. Nice theme :) I love its uniform themed state. Good job!
Thanks! Is it better now? :) (just try to make the same borders and don't forget bout damn shading...)
That did the job :) Sucks that your hosting adds [Megafileupload] to the filename tho :/
I know it from e16. Its the most beautiful theme ever. However with e17 it doesn't work. No window decorations, no menus.
could you please explain what do you mean: "doesn't work for E17?" yes, window borders doesn't change color to indicate active/passive state - it's in TODO list and will be implemented sooner or later. but I prefer to make such modification after E17 release, because it's quite "huge" in terms of "coding". all E17 menus are working and moreover, I created custom border to reflect E16 iconbox style. "lower" button now acts as "close" and "kill" button gone to the window border menu. if you mean that buttons in menu are not "highlighted" as it was before - the reason is only because I have only few "highlighted" buttons in E16, but E17 got much more of them. E17 is a bit different from E16, please treat my efforts as "port" but not as 100% copy. If you miss some functions and wish them to be implemented - just mail me or post you request here. THANKS!
there are no window borders at all. The menus just flicker for a very short moment and are gone.
This theme is for current Enlightenment-CVS build only. If Vendor of Your distro ships outdated packages - ping Vendor :). For example I'm unable to use most of the themes represented here because I'm using E-cvs :). Please try to install some of the latest themes from If they'll run fine - tell me your distro name and version of E installed. Thanks!
We are talking about the current Enlightenment-CVS build.
imo - we don't. because no one else have such issues and I just recompiled E on OpenBSD - theme runs flawlessly.
I did a rm -rf ~/.e and then it worked.
Thanks SDA for bringing this to e17! Been a fan of it from way back. Please also send a note to guys that the theme has been resurrected! There hasn't been news there lately; I'm sure this is more than welcome!
done... and i hope that 0.2b improvements added some value to this crappy wicked port of an old simple gray-blue theme :)
Hi sda, I think this looks pretty darn nice, tho imo, you should provide some sort of acknowledgement to pixelhead, whose theme this originally is. (just a thought)
SHURE! I did it in theme -> about, sent him e-mail and will be glad to do it soon (when I polish some...) in CAPITAL LETTERS ontop of this thread! Nathan Baxter - THANKS!!!
SHURE! I did it in theme -> about, sent him e-mail and will be glad to do it soon (when I polish some...) in CAPITAL LETTERS ontop of this thread! Nathan Baxter - THANKS!!!
Could you please rehost your theme!
Project is proceeded in SourceForge. After registration all updates will be available via mirrors. (hope that it will work...)