I do plan to completely rebuild this theme and enhance the graphics. Be patient

Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
- Inset backgroud for the shell
- any corrections...
- Update of the theme with the Gentoo logo
- New version: the Imago Mac OS like
- Fix the broken download link
Ratings & Comments
It looks beautiful. But some apps stopped working as they freeze on startup. Two examples would be emacs and the e17 file manager.
Links no longer work, sucky deal
Hi again. I came back to this lovely theme :) Is there a easy way to make the icons not to grow that much inside the ibar. I use a relatively small panel and it doesn't look good at all actually. I just want the standard growth, thanks.
I think you didn't experiment the new theme options on e17 ;) Go on theme advance setting, there you can choose an other theme just for a module. Clic on the module, click on the theme you want for this and asign, that'it ^^
Thanks, I didn't even know this :).
i was about sending you something about the not updated black theme but well that's imago & i'm glad to find it again :o)
to share your gtkconfig/colors and qtconfig/colors ? Would be nice to have a Theme for everything in a whole bunch... greetings Seraphyn
I think I'll build a GTK theme to go with, it doesn't seam to be complicated :p
I agree with the poster above, you have several themes already. You've given us more choices. Put in a line that says, like e17, it's a work in progress, so there may be a few bumps here and there. Some folks out there may be able to assist if you were inclined to ask. (Personally I can't install anything GTK; it hates me I think, and I've messed up GNOME seriously here. *sigh*)
it is possible you can give me the link of the wallpaper in you in the screenshot umm is like a pattern looks really neat :) the update really nice keep up whit the good work bro
It isn't a free wallpaper, that's why it is not the default one of my theme. You can find it on this good website: http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper/details.php?id=1223 Enjoy!
How to do you run the weather module?
Weather is a module, you have to activate it in the module config. To run it, you need to insert it on a shell. On the screenshot, the shell is transparent, that's why it seems to be integrated on the desktop but it's not. To have the weather of your town, go on google and search "ICAO your town", if there is an airport in your town, wereas search the nearest airport from your living place, an enter the ICAO code on weather config pannel.
Thanks! That I know :) I needed to know where is the weather module? CVS looks empty!
I dont't know about cvs, I use the Ubuntu repos, and there are in late!
Oh! Thanks, then. I will have to look into it.
It's not called "weather", it's called "forecasts" :-)
Actually, there's both :P. Weather is just simple and straight forward weather in your panel. Forecasts is Weather + when you hover over it, you get more detailed information.
Hi! Very nice theme. And even though I am not on Gentoo for a long time, I really miss it :( Anyway. Is there a way to turn the menu bar left-to-right? I like my close button on right side :)
Also, the menu icon in default theme looks too much like kubuntu :) you might want to change it.
I dont't know what you mean...
Oh, I meant that the default icon in your theme is (your) Elbuntu logo. As a default icon it might need a change (because "by default things should be distro-independent). But that is just an opinion. Very nice theme :)
Oh, I meant that the default icon in your theme is (your) Elbuntu logo. As a default icon it might need a change (because "by default things should be distro-independent). But that is just an opinion. Very nice theme :)
Thanks! But for the buttons, please read the older post before asking!
Oh, yeah. Should have :< Thanks