Description: Why a Christmas bulb? Because imprisoned members of the underground church in China, (living on rations of perhaps 500 calories per day), are forced to assemble thousands of bulbs per day without tools, crimping them with their teeth. After a few hours of their minimum 16-20 hour day (kneeling in a 20x20 cell with 40 others),their fingers are bloodied and if they don't make their quota (AND keep up the quality), they are beaten mercilessly.
The author of the Book of Hebrews calls us to remember our brothers and sisters in Christ as though we were right there with them.
As we come into the season when we celebrate the birth of our Savior, let this be a reminder to ask for the Lord's protection for these who "let their light shine" in the darkness of a Chinese prison.
PS: For the full story, go to I think and has info on this as well.
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