The magical thing about Mexico is that you can find funny situations in every corner, on every second.
This is Santa Rosa de Viterbo Plaza in Queretaro's downtown, the rain started and this little kid was playing and a man was wearing an improvised rain-proff suit

How do I love my country!!
Augusto Ayala Ledsma (Quetzalli)
Ratings & Comments
and try sodipodi and gimp ... i am sure you could do some interesting effects at your photo-gallerie... i think that would bring your work some better points in ranking greetings
thanks a lot.. I will do that.. I'll make some time to test GIMP and the effects.. thanks guys!! :)
surly making photos is a kind of art but i am sorry i have to say this... you have no good ranking for you photos.. perhaps it would be more ok if you only had posted one photo but so it feels a little bit like you are spamming the sorry.. that`s not a good idea ;)
come on guys.. Do you really think that I'm spamming this site?, come on!!!. I never said that mi pictures were professional o perfect.. as a matter of fact they will never be, I'm more an "instant capturer" than a perfect light, alignment and all that photographic stuff guy. I totally agree with you about the ranking, that's exactly the point of the voting system.. if nobody likes or downloads the pictures, so they will have low ranking, and when they have very low rank I'll erase them.. as simple as that. This kind of comments are not very friendly, there aren't straight rules for this site, are they? how many pictures wall pepaers or Ikons is too much? according to what one thing is art work or not?. Don't miss the main point.. the whole idea is to have a nice KDE /Linux interface... if someone likes the wallpapaer that's good, if other don't like it it is also good, but please don't say "you are spamming" :) There are a lot others that have posted landscape wallpapers .. are you going to tell all of them that "in m y opinion that shouldn't be here"? that's fine.. is just your opinion. :) Thanks Augusto Ayala (quetzalli)
ok cool down ;) well what i just tried to say is, that perhaps some people feel disturbed by the mass of pictures... but anyway.. i don`t want you to be angry ;) just some opinion
Hi again. Thanks for your polite comment.. don't worry. I've got the message, I've already deleted some almost duplicated images.. and I will continue to do so. Thanks for your comments.. :) greetings from Mexico Quetzalli
We get the point, you have a camera.
However, this is not artwork. You should spend some time learning how to use The GIMP, Inkscape, Sodipodi, KDevelop, etc. instead of filling up an artwork site with simple pictures that anyone can take. Show us some creativity, imagination =)
Hi Thanks for the comment.. I know kde-look is about the entire KDE environment.. sorry I don't know (yet) how to make kde adds-on and maybe great interfaces.. but I'm just starting to share what I think is great: wallpapers from my homeland.. I DO like to see this pictures on my desktop, showing the magic of my country,and as I can see there are other that do too. I desagree with your that this is not artwork; sorry my friend but not everybody can take the same picture eventough we have cameras and are located in the same place.. taking pictures IS artwork... or by another definitios is "eyecandy for your kde-dektop". If you only see a picture then your definitios or artwork is kind of 'short'.. If you want to apply some effect to consider it art work go ahead my firend, that's why the licence is GPL. Some preffer just images and colors rendered on a hevy duty server or cluster, good, I preffer natural landscapes, so that's my contribution to KDE-look so far. :) Greetings from Mexico Augusto Ayala (quetzalli)
Greetings from viterbo (italy) :) ....
Great to hear from the original land of Santa Rosa... I don't know her history ... I hope you can tell us more about her. thanks, it's great to know more about our world :) Quetzalli