A Nice Dream
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© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
Great wallpaper, I like the clean look, and the Tengwar text. Even though I don't speak or write arabian, I can see it's not arabian, it is Quenya or Sindarin, sadly without meaning. In Sindarin the big text says "ghonnñ" and just about the same in Quenya. Maybe I should tell that both Quenya and Sindarin is Tolkien's invented languages, they are used in his books and in the "The Lord Of the Ring - The fellowship of the rings" Kalna
I thought it looked familiar! It didn't quite settle right with me that it was Arabic. As long as it doesn't say anything like "ash nazg...". What would be cool was if someone made it say "one gear to rule thems all..."! :o)
I'm the worst for them. "One gear to rule them all..." with a gigantic ghosted gear and Kandalf in the background.
i dont know, what language this is, but for me it looked oriental, and i guessd it could be arabian.....i will find out, what language i used :-)
Even though I don't speak arabian... But there is a white sapce that shouldn't be there... Make a trasparent layer on top it, add the KDE logo and/or TUX there (you might want to lower the opacity)
i will work on this wallpaper...it was just my first try