Description: This is Reinhardt Concentric - A wallpaper made to work well with the Reinhardt Widget Style and Icon Set, found elsewhere on this site.
The screenshot is the wallpaper at 1024x768 (transparent png, hence the seemingly black background on the thumbnail), and if you wish for another size, please download the SVG source and make it yourself using your favourite vector graphics programme.
The Reinhardt Widget Style: The Reinhardt Icon Set:
That would be because you set your background colour to grey ;) The picture is transparent, apart from the grey circles, so set the background colour to anything but light grey, and you'll have the circles, with whatever background you wanna use.
Ooh, yes if you are trying to use the SVG as a wallpaper, then yes, that won't work. You need to use the PNG. If you want another size than the 1024x768 (I should say that it works fine scaled), load it in InkScape, Sodipodi or any other such program that handles SVG and export it to PNG.
Ratings & Comments
That's all I see when I set it to my desktop background. No design is visible.
works perfectly on my desktop... btw... good work. minimalistic and pretty at the same time. very good for everyday working desktops.
That would be because you set your background colour to grey ;) The picture is transparent, apart from the grey circles, so set the background colour to anything but light grey, and you'll have the circles, with whatever background you wanna use.
Here on my KDE 3.2.2 box it's also 'invisible'. Maybe a SVG issue as I have no problem with the transparent Reinhardt-Curve-png?
Ooh, yes if you are trying to use the SVG as a wallpaper, then yes, that won't work. You need to use the PNG. If you want another size than the 1024x768 (I should say that it works fine scaled), load it in InkScape, Sodipodi or any other such program that handles SVG and export it to PNG.
> You need to use the PNG. There is no PNG in the download. Intention?
Please re-read the second paragraph of the description ;)
Oh yes, after reading it for the 4th and 5th time it made 'click'. ;-)