Job's Hydrology

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How simply can it be said? About 4000 years ago, the Old Testament book of Job makes reference to the hydrological cycle! Also check Ecclesiasties 1:7 and other assorted verses such as Jeremiah 10:13.

As always, presented for the building up of other believers. We have a Word we can trust! Soli Deo Gloria!
Last changelog:

Changed out second picture for NateTheMagi!

Added third with rounded corners per request of Chris308!

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Thanks for the quick mod of your WP. I plan to put this one on a pc in my Cisco Lab. The funniest reason I have heard for not being circumcised was "if I was circumcised I would not have anything left" :-) This actually came from a dude one day in class. I don't think I would have admitted that! I bet he responds to those spam enlargement emails.


Great! That's the kind of idea I had for them; that people would take some of them out to what is referred to as "the real world". Just glad to help, Tim


Not only did you get my vote, but my desktop as well. Keep it up.


Cool! will do! Tim


Love your latest work and appreciate the two versions. How difficult would it be for the corners of the image to be rounded ? I just have a preference for rounded windows and images. :-) By the way, the Bible speaks of the importance of hand washing thousands of years prior to our surgeons doing so. This suggests that there was an understanding of microbiology and pathology long before "modern science" learned the value of this simple act. Time for me to get the electronic Bible out to find the reference.


SHouldn't be a problem. I'll get on it today... Tim


Leviticus 15:13 is about the handwashing. YOu might also be interested in knowing some background on circumcision... Remember the Lord stated that a male child is to be circumcised on the 8th day after birth...recently we've come to know that that day is when the baby's immune system is peaked...! Tim


Circumcision of babies? That's barbaric. Where I'm from that is considered to be child abuse and could land you in jail for quite a long time!


where im from, almost all males are circumsized....


By their own choice or are they mutilated when they are babies?


mutilated? dont u think thats a bit too strong of a word? and yes, as far as i know, most are circumsized when theyre babies....


Almost forgot: bye Tim


Hi Tim. Do you realy think the hydrological cycle wasn't discovered earlier? The Mesopothamians knew, the Egyptians knew..and probably the knowledge was obtained by several others. So no mirracles here. Your art is getting better though.


Bye flanders... Tim


Bye Tim ;)


Thanks for this! I make my own wallpapers, but it's cool to see the truth of the ancient hebrew Scriptures being incorporated in such a way. Would love to see more!!


Thanks for the encouragement! God willing, there will be more coming! Tim


The hydrological cycle includes among others such things as streams, rivers, groundwater, oceans, and precipitation such as hail and snow. Nice wallpaper though. And I appreciate it that you made a version without the promo.


"He draws up drops of water..." True...and how would he know that? "Which distill as rain from the mist". True...and how would Job know what was going on with the moisture in the sky? "Which the clouds drop down and pour abundantly on man". True. Rain. "Can anyone understand the spreading of His clouds..." In context, this perhaps makes reference to the gathering of water in the clouds. Sure, he doesn't make reference to oceans...but a science report is not his point...but rather the interaction of God with what we see around us. He doesn't make references to runoff and infiltration but what is intriguing is that what he refers to is *UNSEEN*. Job was written nearly 4000 years ago. As far as hail and snow being required? No, if so, then the hydrologic cycle is not going on in Hawaii. Some falls as runoff, SOME goes to water tables, so you don't have to have it *all* to have the cycle. It "comes down, moves around and goes back up!". BTW, thanks for the complement on my work! Tim


Hey my friend! Here's a few more references... Ecclesiastes 1:7 All the rivers run into the sea, Yet the sea is not full; To the place from which the rivers come, There they return again. Job 26:8 He binds up the water in His thick clouds,Yet the clouds are not broken under it. Job 37:11 Also with moisture He saturates the thick clouds; He scatters His bright clouds.


I'm not a Christian but i like the artwork. I can unfortunately see jpeg compression artifacts throught the image. do you have a *.png or *.tiff... etc. (uncompressed original).


Thanks! I'll see what I can do. I did *not* take the photo; although it is public domain. I do have a higher res version but escaping artifacting might still be an issue. Again, thanks. Tim


Congratulations! This is _exactly_ what I've been talking about. A design that will actually fit in the background without distracting you from your work. Even with the text, which is well done and easily falls into the background as well. Very nicely executed, you got my vote on this one :)




...although I know sooner or later, you *won't* like something I do. But, such is artwork. tim

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