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Ratings & Comments
I like this background. It is especially nice to see Christian artwork available for us linux geeks that are believers. I sure doesn't hurt to have some variety.
BTW: I hate having to filter through all of smut that is usually on linux artwork sites. I really wouldn't hurt the linux community to learn a little decency. It really turns people off to download an artwork package and have a majority of the wallpapers be pornographic.
believers are using Windo$e and left normal ppl Linux environment :)
Great work, even if I'm not that involved into religion. But, this fact won't make me feel anger against some who do believe. Everyone has the freedom of thought, even those who ranted here. But, ranting the way some did here because they disagreed with the original poster is childish and immature. I think it would be a great thing for them to read up a little what's in the Bible. Maybe they would stop ranting about other's life and take care of their own. Religion is a freedom of belief; it's not a weapon. Peace
I think it's funny how people click on things they know they're not going to like, just to rant about them. They're the same ones who climb to the top of ten foot fences just to be able to complain about their neighbor's nude sunbathing. Honestly, people: get a life. Tim clearly stated what the content was about.
Great work. A major improvement in your artistic abilities, both in image editing and freehand (with your other submissions).
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly and easily people show their age (or maturity level) by their responses. Sad that this is particular group is a part of the KDE commununity, let alone the Linux community as well...
Its great, dont hear about that, what the other say. They may curse and laugh about you here on earth, but their laughter will stop, when its time to stand before the throne. Remember John 15,19! Its so funny, that its no problem to publish any kind of art, but nothing, that has to do with religion, especially christanity. Think about all the bunnys and chicks, that were published here. Thats no problem, but publish a wallpaper with a bible verse and you will get stoned. What e great tolerance! More people died because of atheism than because of christianity! Think about it. GFS Kapeka
You know what, I've made this point over and over, and seriously, it always falls on deaf ears. And it's the same group of people. Mind you, some get it, but others just keep on coming with the same attitude. And then new people come in to spew the same drivel others have in the past. While not all fall into this category, I have come to believe that they don't care, and they will continue to do what they want. Mind you, Tim this time even noted a biblical verse, giving everyone a heads-up, aside from mentioning that this was primarily intended for FELLOW BELIEVERS. But there they are. It's not worth it really. Sometimes you just have to walk away. Agree to disagree, I guess...
Thanks. I have one goal, and one goal only. That is to express the scriptures through art. As I read, sometimes illustrations come to mind and I try to put that illustration into something that hopefully will be an encouragement to another Christian. Paul said that whatever we do, we are to do with a view to glorifying God. After all, He made us, therefore he has ownership rights to our lives and what we do. Blessings to you and thanks, tim
He made us, therefore he has ownership rights to our lives and what we do. Does that mean AMD owns my processor and every program it runs?
my god is the best. my god > your god. let's go make war to show you. let's feel superior, because the others don't understand. i know what it's all about. really. religion is crap. i'm sorry but this really irritates me
Your rant has nothing to do with KDE. Why polute the KDE-Look.org database with this crap that has nothing to do with KDE or the quality of the art posted here?
The reason is probably that has a radical hate for religion of any type, not just the exclusionary. It is much different from an intellectual who objects to creedal dogma because of the shortcomings of religious systems. It is more like a primitive aversion stemming from some repetitive indoctrination or negative past experience. It's very similar to people who insist on persecuting homosexuals. I call it religophobia!
Actually, this saying, although taken from the Jewish Scriptures, could apply to any almost any major religion, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, or Deism.
I liked the fortress better... Not that this one is not good, but for me personally it has a too strong contrast. But still it's a great work! And to the previous poster: Do you any other word than "shit"? YOUR COMMENTS are offending, not tim's artwork. And YOU cant set the guidlines for art - cause NOBODY can!
...another SHIT. It's the same kind of SHIT you usually send to us. Yes, SHIT is the best definition of your "art". Best regards.
Not all of us believe in that "Brahma" crap, and it has nothing to do with KDE. Just kidding. I agree that Tim's art is terrible, and I'm glad to see someone objecting to it for what it is (poor quality work) rather than what it represents (Christianity.)
If you're are going to criticize somebody's work, please do it tastefully. Remember that thing mommy always used to say.
It looks like time and effort have begun producing quality artwork. Hope to see great improvement in the future to match the great improvements so far.
Outstanding, Tim
Not a huge fan of the purple background, but I like it. If for no other reason than it makes whiners like XpirateX cry. :)
On my goodness! This is the most amazing wallpaper I've ever seen! This is truly a masterpiece. Incredible work. Keep it up! Oh wait, I was just kidding... Too blurry, makes my eyes bleed. Distracting text on wallpapers = annoyance. Preachy crap = wrong place for it. Yessir, all-in-all, yet another sub-par performance. Congrads!
Like them !... couldn't choose one so I got 'em all.